Gunshots and Wedding Bells

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June's point of view:


Anden's emerald eyes dilate at the shock of seeing me, the shock which isn't as large as the innate confusion I'm feeling. Why on earth is Anden, the Elector Primo of the entire Republic, dressed in black and shooting from rooftops? Shooting at Day and I from rooftops?


"What are you doing here?!"

Anden looks torn between lies and honesty.

"The truth," I clarify, "I want the truth."

"Then meet me at the Gonzo Restaurant tomorrow at eight. Alone."

Usually I would argue, but right now Day is bleeding, alone in a doorway. I give Anden a terse nod, and disappear from the building.

Day's point of view:

"Mr. Wing?" A cold voice attempts to rip me from my warm darkness. I fight it. "Mr. Wing?" The voice is growing louder. I murmur an unintelligible response and glide back to the dark. "Mr. Wing!" The voice is freezing now, and has ripped me from my sweet solitude. Fluorescent lights blind me and the sound of endless machines assaults my ears. A man between middle and old age stands before me. His hair is gray, dull, with empty eyes to match. A bald spot graces the top of his head and round glasses rest at the end of his long, thin nose. He stares at me with an unamused expression, holding a clipboard. After taking the simple facts of my surroundings in and concluding that I am in the hospital, the first thing I croak out is, "Where's June?" The doctor seems to soften a bit at my words. "Mrs. Iparis went to the restroom. She's been here all night. I sent a nurse to get her." I nod and try to sit up. "No," the doctor tells me firmly, "lay down a minute more. You only just awoke." I soon become aware of a radiating throb emanating from my abdomen. The doctor continues, "I assume you're aware that you were shot, correct?" I nod my affirmation. "Well, the bullet missed everything vital, but needless to say you aren't going to be tip-top shape for a little while." Then the doctor grins as if he's said something hilarious. I simply stare at him. The sound of light, cat-like footsteps soon echoes through the hallway. June. Soon, June bursts into the hospital room. She glances at the doctor, then me, affirming that I am safe and the doctor is not a threat. Then she rushes to the chair next to me and takes my hand. Her gold-flecked eyes fill with concern, "You okay?" I smile at her, "Yep. Good as new." June smiles at me, her worries scared away by my words. She looks back at the doctor, waiting for him to continue. The doctor coughs uncomfortably and says, "I'm sorry, but I can't share information with you here." He's addressing June and her grip on my hand tightens. "You aren't family..." The doctor tries to explain himself. I cough a little and speak up, "She's my fiancé," I tell the doctor, "she stays." The doctor's eyes flit to June's hand, to the ring I gave her, then to my eyes. He must see the resolute firmness and fire in my ice-blue eyes, because he gives a small nod and looks down at his clipboard. "As I was saying, the bullet that hit Mr. Wing did not hit any vital organs, but Mr. Wing still needed some minor surgery, stitches, and will need to be on painkillers for the next month." June nods like she already knows everything the doctor is saying. The man continues, "Mr. Wing can check out in twenty four hours- we would like to keep him for observation. After that he can go home and he will need to come back in a few weeks to have the stitches removed. That'll be all for now. Let us know if you need anything." "Thank you." June calls to the doctor as he leaves.

"You're sure you're okay?" June asks me again. "Yes! I'm fine." I smile at her, but I know she can see the pain behind it. "Okay. Tess and Pascao are here- you want me to let them up?" "Sure." I say.

Soon, Pascao and Tess are both (gently) hugging me. Pascao fills me in on his life lately, but Tess looks nervous the whole time. June sneaks glances at her, as if she knows what Tess is thinking about. I always hate that goddy secret girl-language stuff. Finally, Pascao leaves. Tess coughs and looks at June, who offers an encouraging nod and smiles. Tess steps towards me, "Day, there's something I have to tell you. I'm going to tell you now while you can't strangle me." Oh no. No. There is one hundred percent nothing good Tess could tell me. What if- oh no. What if she's engaged? I'm barely used to Tess dating, let alone getting married. She's old enough now but... what if she's sick? What if, what if, what if! My mind races during what seems like the eternity until Tess says, "Day, Eden and I have being seeing each other."

Huh? "Like dating?" I ask, a bewildered expression my face. Tess' face drops, confused at my reaction. "Yes?" She says. "Hmm." I say. I'm really not sure how to respond or how I feel. "Okay, so I'm gonna... go." Tess says. My eyebrows knit as I try and process the significance of such a thing. Tess hurries out and June turns back to me. "What do you think," she inquires, "about Eden and Tess?" I tell her the truth, "I'm not sure yet. I think it's a good thing. Maybe."

June stays with me all day, despite my urging her to go home and get some rest. She only leaves once, saying she has to go home and let Macey out.

June's point of view:

Anden meets me at eight o'clock on the dot. He walks up to me and flashes a charming, luminous smile my way. My straight face must remind him that charms don't always work on me, because it fades away like a wave back into the ocean. "Tell me." I demand. "It's nothing exciting." Anden promises.

"Tell. Me."

"Okay. It was... a political ploy."


"Well, we've changed the elections so that the people are actually electing the Elector now."

"I know. I've voted several times. The next one is coming soon- a year right?"

"Yes. The shooting from the rooftops was for me to get reelected."

"So you were shooting civilians so that the civilians will vote for you?" One of my eyebrows raises skeptically.

"Well, yes and no. There are still some rebel attacks, very few now, but I wanted to make it seem like I was being proactive. I thought I would have a camera crew get some film of me shooting from rooftops. Then we could tell the people that I was fighting rebels."

"That's lying."

"June..." Anden sounds exasperated. The untruthfulness characteristic of politics is one reason our relationship never worked.

"Anden." My voice is like bulletproof glass- hard, sharp, and unbreaking. "Day got shot because of a lie and for a few extra votes! That's unreasonable, plain and simple."

Anden's emerald eyes widen, "Day got shot!?"

"He's fine."

"This can't get out!"

I sigh. "I won't tell anybody you shot him. It was an accident after all. Even if it happened for a purely ridiculous reason." I spit. Anden nods. "I'm leaving-" I tell him, "to see Daniel." Just then, for a millisecond, Anden's eyes flit to my left hand. He sees the ring and his eyebrows draw inward. I spare him the thought, "Day and I got engaged. You shot him right after I said 'Yes.'" After useless apologies from Anden (apologies can't undo bullet wounds) I head back to the hospital. I'm not mad at Anden, not really. I'm mostly frustrated. But, all in all, everything turned out. Day's okay. I'm okay.

And we're getting married. Almost forgot about that one.


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