You May Kiss the Bride

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I'm so goddy nervous. I fiddle with my tie for the thirty-thousandth time and try to pull the too-short sleeves down lower on my wrists. I glance at my gold Republic symbol cuff links and observe them glinting in the light. My corn-blond hair has been tethered into a neat tail at the nape of my neck. My suit is jet black with a white shirt and turquoise tie. Everything is perfect, neat. It makes me uneasy. I want to see June. But... that stupid, goddy rule of not being able to see a bride before the wedding is currently keeping us apart.

A mischievous grin lights up my face and I lay my cheek on the wall. June, Tess, and Mia, Kaede's sister, are dressing in the adjacent room. I hear titters and giggles. They turn to gasps and awws, and I presume that June has donned her dress. Apparently they aren't as nervous as me. Three quick raps echo from the door through my room. "It's open." I call towards the door, glancing in the mirror yet again. Eden strides in, smiling wildly, his rakish hair looking handsome as ever. He inquires, "Nervous, cousin?" I snort and nod. Eden turns me around and grips both my shoulders, "It's fine. Everything is going as planned." I weakly try and find some justification for my nerves, but I know he's right. It's so odd, Eden supporting me. It seems like just yesterday he was a little boy, in need of constant guidance and care. I forget that it's about time he could get married too. I glance at my younger brother, who isn't so young anymore. His hair is slicked nicely and his suit is shining. His glasses no longer look awkward. Eden has grown into himself. Plenty of young Republic girls would gladly take him. Eden continues, "Lemme tell you why you shouldn't be nervous. At all." I manage a grin and nod. "You love June. You want to get married to her. Big commitment? Yes. A commitment you'll regret? Nope. You look great. Also, I want to point out that June has seen you bleeding and at a time when showers were not available to either of you." This makes me laugh. Eden really has made me feel better. "Now," He proceeds, "I believe that it's about time for you" he points at me, "to head out there" Eden points toward the door. I swallow hard and nod.

    Eden guides me through the door and down the aisle. The building's architecture is perfect. The ceilings are high and arched. The roof is white, but not in a sterile, uncomfortable way. The walls are paneled with dark reddish wood. Throughout the building are enormous, stunning stain glass windows, which the morning sunlight illuminates. While the building itself is gorgeous, the decorations are even more impressive. Yellow, white, and red roses line the church. Petals are strewn about the aisle and satin ribbons adorn the ceiling. The roses strike a memory, no, not a memory. A dream. Something about Eden... A paper rose? A fire?... I'm snapped back to the present as we arrive on the wedding stage. A Republic soldier smiles at me. "Anxious?" He asks. "Yeah..." I reply, a bit ashamed that I'm so poor at masking my emotions. "That's okay. We all are. It gets better as soon as she gets out here." I glance at his left ring to view a simple gold wedding ring. I grin and thank the man for his advice.

    In mere minutes, the small amount of seats (June and I wanted a small wedding) have filled up with friends and family. Pascao grins and waves at me. Gotta love Pascao.

    The music starts and my heart stops. June... She's just... Beautiful. There's no other way to describe it than brilliant, blinding, beauty. June is shining. Her golden dress looks like pure, sparkling sunlight. The dress is layered, like a rose. A rose is perfect for June. Delicate and strikingly exquisite, but deadly all the same. From the end of the aisle, June flashes me a dazzling smile and I melt a bit inside. She tucks a strand of curled dark chocolate-colored hair behind her ear. The gold flecks in her eyes go perfect with her dress.

    At last June steps onto the stage beside me, and it seems like mere seconds before that final moment:

"I do."

"I do."

    "You may kiss the bride."

We're married.

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