Part 9

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(A month or so later)

June hasn't seemed right the past few weeks. I'm concerned about her- she claims to be feeling fine, but she's been eating oddly. June never eats breakfast now and seems to eat only strange foods or things she hasn't liked before, like anchovies. I can't work it out and I feel like I'm missing something gravely simple. I just wish she'd goddy tell me! Today, she threw up several times. Yet, she refuses medical treatment and stubbornly insists she's fine. I'm making dinner for the both of us, some sort of pasta, and I feel a headache brewing. It's nothing like the headaches I used to have, but it's still annoying. June walks in behind me and sees me pinching the bridge of my nose. The corners of her mouth turn downwards in a frown, "Are you okay?" "Yeah, just a headache. It's fine. How are you feeling?" "Much better, thanks." June cracks a little smile, and I feel my headache start to fade away. She proceeds to get out several spices and start to help with the cooking.

Thirty minutes later dinner is ready. June and I plop down comfortably at our small cherry wood table. I smile at June as she settles in the chair across from me. She smiles weakly and her eyes flit around. She twists her wedding ring around. June nervous, what could have possible happened between five minutes ago and now? We were even in the same room. Nothing happened, but something is wrong. I'm currently imagining several horrible possibilities when she says, "Day, there's something I need to tell you..." "Yes?..." I reply uneasily, swallowing hard. "Are you sick? Is it whatever bug that's been bothering you?" "Um, I'm, I mean, urm..." June's flustered. June is never flustered! I start to panic. What's happening!?

"I'm pregnant!" She spits it quickly then gives me a frightened look. I just sit there for a second, letting it all sink in. The word sounds funny to me. The meaning of it muddled. Not the dictionary meaning, but the true meaning. June's...Pregnant? Suddenly, it sets in, "Well that's great news!" June smiles, "Really?" "Yes!" I run over to her and she stands up. We hug, then I pick her up and twirl her around. When I set her down, she giggles. It's odd, we're both almost middle-aged, but sometimes we still act like teenagers. Goodness I love her. June asks, "Where will we put it?" I laugh easily, June is always planning ahead- always prepared. "We don't need to worry about that yet." "But..." I push a strand of June's hair behind her ear, "Why don't we go look at that house soon?" I offer cheerily. June's smile widens and for the first time in a long time, she seems happy. We're just smiling at each other when a knock echoes at the door. Seconds later, Eden enters with a wide grin on his face. "I've got big news!" He exclaims, pushing his glasses back on his nose, his rakish hair swirled at all angles. "So do we!" I tell him. June shoots me a look that says, Are you sure you want to tell him now? I nod confidently at her. "You first." I order Eden. "I'm engaged!" My face flattens. He's engaged? But he's so young, wait, no he's not. I just think he is. He's ready for this, right? Yeah. He is. I grin at Eden, "To who?" Eden gives me a look that practically says, Is your amnesia back? When I realize the second part of the news and my face falls once again. Tess. Eden and Tess are getting married. There's no way Tess should be getting married! It takes me a minute to realize that Tess is only two years younger than me, and has long been a fully grown woman. "Tess?" I ask Eden, like I need affirming. He nods, "Yes! Of course! Who else?" I laugh, happy for them now that I've sorted through the initial downpour of emotions. I hug Eden, "That's great! So great." Eden and I both look about to cry, but June-the-savior interrupts perfectly, stepping in to hug Eden. She smiles widely. "You guys are great together, I'm so happy for you." Eden beams at both of us, "What's your news?" June and I both stand there nudging each other, neither one wanting to be the one to say it. At last June wins when I realize that she had to tell me and that Eden is my brother, so this burden should fall to me. "Uh, June's, uh, we're, um..." I tried, I really did. June sighs, shaking her head and grinning. "I'm pregnant. We're having a baby!" I didn't think it was possible, but Eden's smile gets even winder.

(Continuation of story, in June's perspective)

That night, I visit Metias. Well, Metias' grave. "I finally told him, I told him I'm pregnant." Of course I'd already told Metias everything. Even if I know he's not here, I feel like he's listening. "And guess what?" I talk casually to my brother, as if he was right there with me. "He handled it great! I was all worried and he looked worried but I guess it was because I looked worried and-" I take a breath, "he was excited! A baby! Metias! Day and I are going to have a baby! Am I ready for this? A child... How will I manage being an agent and a mother? And what do I know about being a mother!? I never had one... I guess you felt the same way." I force a breath into my lungs. No need to work myself into a flurry. I continue talking to Metias, "And guess what? Eden and Tess are getting married! It's a night of good, good news. Good, but life changing." I never have handled change well, but a radiant smile is still on my face. I'm elated, I really am. I stand up and wish Metias a goodnight.

Slowly, I mount the stairs to the roof of our apartment. I watch the sun sink below the horizon, lighting the sky shades of orange, pink, and purple at the same time. I calm myself, calculating the surface area and volume of the surrounding buildings. The wind whips around me and blow strands of ebony hair from my ponytail. From here I can see the building where Commander Jameson had Day on the roof. I conjure up an image of me, at fifteen, striding across the roof, my cape blowing in the wind. It feels so long ago... 

(Continuation of story, Day's point of view)

"Hey Metias." I know June has been here, she always comes here when she's stressed. "So June told you, eh? I wonder if you would approve of me..." I smile mischievously. "Republic's most wanted criminal married to the Republic's little prodigy? The Republic's darling? Lemme tell you something cousin. You must have done something right. You raised a perfect girl. Perfect."

P.S. I kind of imagine Metias looking a little like Bellamy from The 100 (I <3 Bellamy). 

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