Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I stayed at Eoin´s place for the next few days and we grew close. I finally had agreed to become his girlfriend. I don´t even know why I did that. I just felt comfortable with him and he made me happy. But that was it. I wasn´t in love with him or anything like that. I guess I wanted to make him happy and when he asked me again to become his girlfriend I couldn´t bear to disappoint him. He was so happy when I said yes that I couldn´t help but to be happy as well.

Megan´s Birthday was today and we would surprise her with a picnic. Bradley chose a nature reserve a few miles out of London for it. He picked up Megan while we put up lights into the trees around us and brought tons of pillows to make it comfortable. The mature adults we were, the first thing we did was to start a pillow fight. And we only stopped because we lay on the ground out of breath but still giggling.

When we saw Bradley´s car arrive in the car park we hurried to fix the pillows. We knew we had to be extra quiet. Megan had no idea what Bradley planned for her birthday and he even blindfolded her. It looked so funny how she stretched out her hands to guide the way that I had to suppress a giggle. Bradley lifted the blindfold and it was so touching to see how happy Megan was when she saw what we did for her. She hugged everyone so long and even cried a few tears of happiness.

„Thank you so much! Noone ever made a surprise party for me before. I love you guys!“ she said and her gratefulness touched me.

We sat down and began to eat. When it was time to open the presents I gave her mine. It was a gift coupon for a massage because Megan was working a lot and needed some time to relax. She thanked me with another hug and we started to talk about our jobs.

Eoin´s mobile phone interrupted the conversation and he answered the call. He had a worried look on his face while he listened.

„Sorry guys, but I have to go.“ he said after he ended the call. He got up quickly and started to go away but I ran after him.

„What´s wrong?“ I asked concerned.

„My sister. She found her husband cheating on her. She´s devastated and needs me now.“

„Oh no! I´ll just grab my things and come.“ I said already turning back to get my stuff.

„No.“ He stopped me by grabbing my arm. „Please stay here.“ I just nodded and watched him run to his car.

I had met Freya a few days ago and wondered how she would manage this situation. Back then she seemed so happy with her husband. The thought that someone could intentionally hurt such a lovely person made me angry. It took me some time to calm down before I went back to the group.

„Jen, do you even have a car now to get back?“ Colin asked after he had studied my face for a while.


„You can go with me then.“ he smiled comfortingly.

I smiled back thankfully and tried to follow the conversation of Bradley and Megan who couldn´t stop to banter each other. It was so adorable how much these two loved each other. My mood got a little better even though I was still worried.

After a couple more hours we said goodbye to the others. Colin opened the door for me and grinned when he said „My lady“ with a little bow. I giggled and thought how easily Colin could lift my mood. He closed the door after me and got in himself.

When he started the car the radio turned on automatically and he had a CD of Bloc Party in. „Vision of Heaven“ started playing and I silently hummed along while I watched the landscape pass by. In the corner of my eye I saw Colin smile at my actions which made me smile as well. When „Ratchet“ started playing we looked at each other for a second and then started to sing along simultaneously. But not just sing along, but like really crazy. Colin was hilarious because he sang so high pitched and made the funniest faces in the process. It was priceless.

We continued that for a few more songs but stopped eventually because our stomach were hurting from all the laughing. Suddenly the car made a weird noise and slowed down until it got to a stop with a loud thud. Colin tried to restart it several times but it wouldn´t do anything.

We were stuck all alone in the middle of nowhere.

Oh my god, I am SO SORRY!!! I had no time at all in the last months otherwise I would have updated sooner! I will try to update again before new year´s but I can´t promise anything because I still have so much stress right now.

I hope you like the new chapter! Thanks for everyone who keeps reading <3 I love you guys!

Waiting a lifetime (A Colin Morgan/Eoin Macken Lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now