Chapter 1

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 Chapter 1

Jenna´s POV

The lights were flickering over my body again and again while I moved my hips to the beat of Cry me a river by Justin Timberlake. I was completely wasted. If you´d know me you would be confused because I´m definitely not the type to get drunk or to go partying.

But when my best friend Lauren came to me crying over her now ex-boyfriend this afternoon we both needed to get our minds off everything. She caught him in bed with another woman and if that´s not enough to deal with he wasn´t even sorry. So we got a couple of drinks, put on our fanciest clothes and decided to find Lauren a cute guy to hook up. I normally don´t drink at all so I quickly lost control and swayed to the music like I didn´t have a care in the world.

Eoin´s POV

Tonight I was going out with some friends from work. We just finished shooting the last scene of the BBC show Merlin and we all wanted to celebrate that. After getting ready we headed to a club nearby. The air was thick and the smell of sweat was lingering in the air, but since I already had a beer or two it didn´t bothered me. We finally found a corner to sit near the dancefloor and ordered our drinks.

Tom and Bradley were laughing at a joke that I missed and Colin seemed somehow distant ever since we arrived and was looking at something. So I let my eyes wander as well until my eyes stoped by a girl with wavy lightbrown hair and a slim figure. The way she moved her hips turned me on. Totally captured by her I told the others „Sorry lads, but I gotta get that girl“ and left.

Jenna´s POV

Completely in my own world I didn´t took in any of my surroundings until someone touched me. I slightly jumped and turned around to see a man with longer brown hair that was slightly wavy and hazel eyes. He was really good looking!

„Would you like a drink?“ he asked me.

I looked around for Lauren and saw her making out with a friend of mine and laughed. I always thought these two should date. So no longer in the duty to look after her I said „Yeah, why not.“

He led me to the bar and ordered drinks for us. Since I was already pretty drunk this last drink got the better of me. I don´t remember much of that night...

The Picture on the side is Eoin...

Waiting a lifetime (A Colin Morgan/Eoin Macken Lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now