Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

„Hey Honey! I wanted to make sure you´re alright after you left with a pretty hot guy last night?“ I could hear the tease in Lauren voice while we talked on the phone.

„I´m fine. He seemes nice although the morning was pretty awkward.“

After I updated her on all the news I couldn´t hold back any longer. „And what was that with you and Andrew???“

„Well... how to put it... I was drunk, he was drunk so we made out. Then he got me home safely and left.“

„Are you sure there isn´t anything you left out?“ I said smiling.

„No. Andrew´s a real gentlemen. I never thought those were still existing.“ She laughed, then said worried „But I´m scared I might fall for him!“

„Why? I always thought you two should date. Have you ever seen the way he looks at you? He really likes you!“

„You think?“ she said hopefully.

„Yes I do! So stop worrying and enjoy your life. I gotta go now to get ready for my date with Eoin.“

„Have fun and be safe!“

„Yes Mum!“ I laughed and ended the call.

One hour to get ready... I took out a black mid-thigh dress and cream high heels. I curled my hair and braided just a little section at the top of my head. I applied my normal amount of make-up and grabbed my bag and keys just as my doorbell rang.

Eoin´s POV

She looked absolutely stunning. So I said „You´re beautiful!“ with a huge smile on my face. I was going to take her to an Italian Restaurant and hoped she would like it. When we arrived and ordered we started talking and I got to know quite a lot about her. She wasn´t the usual type of woman who only cared about how she looks and goes shopping all the time.

„I actually hate shopping!“ she admitted. I couldn´t help but laugh. I mean did you ever met a girl who hates shopping? I haven´t!

„Why?“ I asked curiously.

„It´s warm and stuffy in the stores. I always get frustrated quite quickly. Besides I can´t wear ten outfits at a time, so I don´t need that much clothes anyway.“

'Sounds resonable´, I thought. She told me that she really likes driving go-carts and playing paintball. And she even wants to go skydiving one day!

„Damn, I already like you!“ I admitted and she laughed. I like her smile, it makes you happy even if you felt miserable before. I was slowly but surely falling for this girl.

'But I can´t!´ I thought to myself. 'I never fell for someone since I was 20 years old. Could it be that she is special enough to break down my walls?´

We talked for a few more hours and laughed alot. I even opened up a bit myself and we found some things we have in common like our love to music. We planned on doing a session together. I guess this is going to be fun!

„I´m actually a male model“ I confessed to her.

„You got to be kidding me“ she laughed. „You look like that though. Maybe I´ve seen you in a commercial or something. Ever from the first moment I met you I thought that you were looking slightly familiar.“

„That´s possible. Because I don´t remember to have seen you on the streets.“ I concluded.

I noticed that she ate what she wanted and as much as she wanted which I liked as well. So after dessert I begged her to spend the night with me. It took quite some work to convince her but when I gave her my puppy dog look she finally gave in.

When we arrived at my place I gently took her face in my hands and kissed her. She hesitated at first but kissed me back eventually. I slowly backed her into the wall and lifted her up so her legs were around my waist. Like that I walked her into the bedroom.

Usually sex is just a fulfillment of need for me but tonight it was somehow different. We took it slow and it was actually quite romantic.

Afterwards she laid her head on my chest and I kissed her forehead and leaned my head against hers. When our breath got steady she got up and put her clothes back on.

„Aren´t you gonna stay?“

„No, I´m sorry. I have work tomorrow and since I have a really important meeting I need to be well rested.“ she excused. I knew she told the truth but it seemed like there was more to it. But I didn´t wanted to push her to tell me unless she wanted to, so I let it go.

„Okay. I´ll text you, yeah?“

She nodded and smiled then bend down to kiss me. After she left I really wished I would´ve made her stay. Sleeping alone sometimes isn´t nice at all.

Waiting a lifetime (A Colin Morgan/Eoin Macken Lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now