Im Sorry Daddy RocxPrince

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"You couldn't even fuckin' iron my clothes right!?! What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Chresanto yelled, as he smacked Jacob across the face, making him fall to the ground, and look up at him with tears in his eyes. "Why don't you get out of my face and go make yourself useful... Go make dinner!" Chres yelled at him, kicking Jacob's side, causing him to let out a small scream.

Jacob quickly got up and scurried into the kitchen, pulling out different foods to make dinner for Chresanto to prevent himself from getting hit again.

"If I would've known you were so damn stupid and worthless I would've never kidnapped yo stupid ass!" Chres yelled at Jacob as he plopped on the couch, turning the TV on to Football; the San Francisco 49ers VS. New Orleans Saints.

"Bring me some chips and 2 beers! then call OG and tell him to come over!" Chres yelled from the livingroom as he put his feet on the coffee table Jacob had recently cleaned.

Jacob winced at the word "beers" and thought of what what would happan later tonight.

When Chres is drunk is when Jacob is in for the worst. So many things happen when he's drunk -lots of things happen when he's not- and Jacob is never capable of stopping what happens because he's too weak.

Jacob slowly walked out the kitchen, empty-handed. "D-Daddy I'm starting dinner, you'll be full by the time we eat if you have chips and beer." Jacob softly told him while stuttering because he hadn't known how Chresanto was going to act due to his 'talking back' just now.

Chres paused the TV and slowly turned toward Jacob with a look that could kill. "Did you just... talk back to me?" Chres questioned, chuckling as he stood up and started slowly walking toward Jacob. The heavy footsteps on the hard-wood floor sounding like thunder to Jacob.

He took a step back every time Chres took a step forward, then had ended up hitting the wall. Chres grabbed his hair and punched him in the eye, causing him to fall to the floor with a scream.

Chresanto was about to do even more damage, but OG had walked in. "Yo wassup." He said to Chres walking over to give him dap. Jacob looked up at OG with a pleading look.. He just wanted to get out of this place, and none of Chresanto's friends ever helped him.

"So what yall doin'?" OG asked, ignoring the look on Jacob's face. "Sheiiit I aint doin' nothin'. Just teachin him a lesson." Chres said as he looked down at Jacob. OG had laughed and then bent down to Jacob's level and looked at his eye that was starting to form a black circle around it. "Tuh! you should've listened to yo Daddy." OG said laughing, and standing back up.

"Exactly.. You think Im the only one who thinks that, but you don't listen."
Chresanto chuckled, shaking his head while staring at Jacob.

"Now go do what the fuck I told you to do." Chresant spat as Jacob got back up and walked into the kitchen " D-Daddy C-Can I get an ice pack please?" Jacob asked as he felt his eye starting to swell up. Chresanto gave him a look like he was stupid.

"The fuck you can! You dont need a damn ice pack! It doesn't even hurt that bad!" Chresanto told him, and Jacob sighed.. It hurt bad.. Chresanto wouldn't know so he has no reason to say that.

"Yes daddy." Jacob said as he looked down and walked back into the kitchen. He wasn't getting an ice pack to take down some of the swelling after all..

"Here you go." Jacob said as he sniffled and handed OG his plate, along with handing Chres his. Jacob walked back into the kitchen, and grabbed two beers, then gave them to the two.

"Um... can I eat now please daddy?" Jacob asked. "Did you wash my clothes and feed the dogs?" Jacob's eyes widened. He hated those dogs..

"I-I washed all of your clothes." He stuttered. "The dogs?" Chres asked, noticing that Jacob hadn't mentioned that he'd taken care of them.
Jacob started to cry, letting Chresanto know that he didn't want to go out there with the dogs.. They're evil.

"Please dont make me go out there with them.." Jacob pleaded, a hint of hope in his mind that Chresanto would go and do it himself.

"Well then.. if you dont wanna go to them, I guess they'll have to come to you... OG go into my room real quick." Chres said, getting up and going to the backyard door, unlocking it. He heard the bedroom door close, and he opened the door to reveal three big dogs ready to attack at Chresanto's command.

"Get em'" Chres commanded, and 3 pitbulls ran inside, starting to attack Jacob. "Ah!Please Chresanto! Please!!! I-I'll listen!" Jacob screamed as the dog tore open his skin. Causing him to let out a horrified, painfilled scream. Chresanto watched for a few more seconds, then decided it was enough.

"Aye!" He yelled at the dogs, making them stop biting Jacob. "Outside." He commanded, and the dogs took off running outside. Chresanto hadn't wanted Jacob to die.. Yet.

Jacob layed on the floor, feeling lifeless. Chres felt a wave of guilt rush over him, but it soon disappeared like it had never came.

"Go clean yourself up! I dont want any fuckin' blood on my floor! Chresanto commanded. Jacob had got up, but not fast enough to reach Chresantos needs.

Chresanto pushed him and yelled for him to hurry up, causing Jacob to groan and start to cry again from frustration.

Jacob fell face first on the hard, wooden floor, and cried some more. This time he gathered himself up more quickly, stumbling up the stairs on his small, scrawny legs. "And because of your actions, your not eating dinner tonight!" Chresanto yelled at him. "OG you can come back down now!"

Dinner was kind of like the only meal Jacob did have. so he was going to go to sleep on an empty stomach....

Im Sorry Daddy RocxPrince (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now