Chapter 26; Lost One, Found One

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Chapter 26; Lost One, Found One 

Excuse the mistakes, proofread! 


“Anna!” Harry’s voice echoed, as the door to our shared bedroom slammed open, making me jump.

“Um… hello there Harry…” I said awkwardly, putting my phone down in my lap and pulling my headphones off of my ear. Him slamming the door open had made me lose focus on my game of Zombie Frontier, so I had already met my death. And his voice was loud enough for me to hear over my music, though it hadn’t been playing quite loud. When I looked up at Harry, he looked pissed. I’ve never actually seen him look this mad in my entire life of knowing him, and since he’s up here with me, I think I’m the cause of that anger. He closed the door behind him and sat down on the bed in front of me, keeping the cold stare.

“Do you have something you maybe want to tell me?” He asked, and I shook my head slowly, trying to think of the things I’ve done lately that he wouldn’t approve. Nothing really came to mind, so again I shook my head.

“No… Why?” I asked, squeezing my feet more tightly, even though they were crisscrossed and couldn’t get any tighter.

Before he could answer, Ryder just happened to pop up by the window. “Hiya,” He greeted, and I let out a breath of relief to see Harry’s angry face go away. I was thankful that he’d let it slip now; I must remember to thank Ryder for saving me on this one.

“Hey,” Harry answered weakly, turning back to face him.

“Matt, Aaron and Kale are outside.” He said, and the anger slowly crept back onto Harry’s face as he got up. When he left, I turned to Ryder, ready to question him.

“Ryder what’s wrong with Harry?” I asked, feeling my hand starting to shake already. It always happens when I’m nervous, and it never stops until I figure out what there is to be nervous about. And this time I’m really scared… Harry has never been mad at me, so I wouldn’t know what this could be about.

“What do you mean?” He asked, plopping onto the bed beside me.

“He seems mad, and I think he’s mad at me.” I said softly. “You’re his best friend; you must know what it is. Ryder please tell me,”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with him Anna, calm down.” He said, holding my hand and trying to stop it from shaking – which he was failing at, of course.

Before I could ask him anything else, Harry came back into the room with Matt, Kale and Aaron.

They all said ‘hey’ or ‘hi’ and then took seats all around the room – Matt sitting the farthest away from me. I didn’t say hi to any of them, instead looked down at my phone screen, not doing anything. “Anna, answer me now.” Harry said quietly, sitting beside me.

“I don’t know what you’re trying to get out of me here, Harry.” I said shakily, not looking up at him, but at my blank phone screen.

“Are you hiding something from me?” He asked, and I shook my head again. Now I had an idea what he was talking about… I think he figured out about Matt and me, but I don’t really see the big deal about it. “Anna if you lie I’m just gonna be more mad at you about this,”

“I’m not hiding anything from you Harry,” I mumbled, pulling my headphones over my ears and turning my music all the way up. I pushed myself off of the bed and jumped out of the window, taking a seat on the roof. I know Harry would come out, I was just hoping he wouldn’t deal with this inside with everyone else. I braced on the wall beside the window and pulled my headphones around my neck, letting the music play out from there. I listened to what was happening inside, and it seems Harry wasn’t coming out.

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