Chapter 23: The First Date

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Chapter 23: The First Date

Excuse the mistakes. 

Proofread! :o


“Harry!” I yelled from the bedroom, pulling on my ripped blue jeans. Harry was downstairs with Ryder, probably eating, and I was missing my blue converses. I figured he knew where they were, because he ‘cleaned’ the room yesterday, and a whole bunch of my stuff was missing. But I did end up finding a matching earring and necklace that had black cameras on it, which I am gonna wear today. I smoothed out my shirt that read, “I’m Here To Stay” and then went back into the closet for another search.

“What happened?”

“Where are my blue converses?” I asked Harry, turning around from where I was searching.

“You’re just going to Haylee’s house, wear flip flops or something.” He said lazily.

“But I don’t have blue flip flops,” I whined. I didn’t want to look bad today, because I wasn’t just going to Haylee’s, today was when Matt and I finally get to go on that date we planned. We planned it over a month ago, but never got to go, because Harry would’ve got a little too curious. So over that time, I went to Haylee’s house almost every day and stayed with her. So now it’s like a normal thing, so Harry wouldn’t suspect anything.

“Just wear mine then, I’m too lazy to find yours.” He mumbled, leaving the closet and starting for the door to exit the room.

I sighed, “Fine,” I walked out of the closet with his pair of blue converses, and sat on the bed to put it on. I don’t know how Harry and I are even the same size, it’s so weird. I mean, I have really tiny feet, yet Harry’s shoes fit me. I grabbed three bracelets, one saying love, another with an infinity sign, and the last with a sort of plait like design; I put them on and then I was ready to go.

I ran down the stairs to find Harry, Ryder, Aaron and Kale in the kitchen. Matt wasn’t there of course, probably still home. “Harry let’s go,” I said, walking into the kitchen where everyone was.

“Okay, let’s go guys.” He said to everyone else.

“Wait, why are they coming with us?” I asked him, as we all started heading for the garage door.

“Because I don’t want to leave them in the house alone,” He answered.

“What happened to Lillian and Lilly?” I asked, getting into the car as everyone else filed into the back and Harry got in the driver side.

“Yeah, because they’ll so come out of their room when they’re here.” He said sarcastically, backing out.

Soon we were driving away to go to Haylee’s house. It’s been a month since Matt and I were dating, and I think it’s really cute how we’re having our first date on the day we started dating. I have no idea where we’re going, all I know is that it’s nothing fancy. So I dressed normal, jeans and a shirt. But I couldn’t get dressed in a fancy dress for a cute date either way, because Harry would question me. He’d most likely tease me at first about my first date, but then he’d have to figure out who it’s with. And I don’t think I want him to figure out that way; I don’t plan on keeping this secret from him for so long, because it’s just not right, I’ll just tell him whenever I feel it’s right. No matter how long that takes, and no matter how hard it is to do so – maybe I could let Matt decide when he tells Harry, he is the one not wanting to in the first place. Okay, yeah I don’t either, but only because Matt put the thoughts into my mind.

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