Chapter 14: Kol Pizza Service

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Chapter 14: Kol Pizza Service

Excuse the mistakes. 


"Calm down Anna," Kol said for the billionth time.

"I will not calm down Kol!" I screamed at the poor boy standing before me. "They did it again! They can't leave me alone!"

"Hey, I have no idea what you're talking about. So maybe if you calm down, you can explain to me what's gotten you so mad about the school sport changing to roller skating."

I sighed, and buried my head in my hands. I can't believe what my sisters did, and again. So apparently, they somehow got the school sport changed to roller skating. Kol loves roller skating, so he was happy about the change. We were in detention now, and he had informed me about the sport change. He was excited about it; I heard it in his voice. But I sure as hell wasn't; I'm not sure if I'm allowed to roller skate, the doctor said I should rest my leg for a while. But I did, for a few years. So I think I could, but it's so hard to learn when you're so old already.

I know we aren't supposed to talk in detention, but it was only Kol and I, so Mr. Michael didn't seem to mind and plus he wasn't here. He said he had been called to the principle office for something, so he wasn't here now. He seemed to like Kol a lot, even though he purposely got detention. I think Mr. Michael figured that out, because when we were coming in together, he stopped Kol because he needed to talk. I overheard him ask Kol if he did it on purpose, and Kol actually admitted it. But the strange part was that Mr. Michael smiled at him instead of shaking his head in shame. "Anna," He tried again. "Please tell me,"

I sighed and looked up, only to be caught in his stare. He had beautiful eyes, which I've never noticed before. They were blue, and had small white specks. "It's basically my whole life," I told him, averting my gaze from his beautiful eyes to the sleeve of my shirt. I played with it by my wrist nervously, since it was most certain that I was a nerve wreck at the moment.

"You can tell me anything, you know that right?" He asked, holding both of my hands and looking at me.

I nodded slowly. "I know that, but..."

"But nothing," He argued. "We're basically best friends now, and best friends share all their secrets."

I looked up instantly at the sound of him saying best friends, "You seriously think we're best friends?"

"Of course I do," He told me smiling.

I sighed, "Well here's the story of poor Lilliana McCall." I started. I told him my entire life story, about all the bullying and how it was all because of my sisters. I told him about how close Harry and I were, and how he was the only one who helped me feel happy. But there was one thing I left out. And they thing was hiding beneath the sleeve of my shirt. I didn’t want to tell him, because he’d be like Harry and try to get me to stop. But with everything that’s going on now, can I really?

"I know you have more to add, I hear it in your voice." Kol said, still holding my hands.

I took a shaky breath, and then looked down at our hands. "You'll need to let go of my hands to know the last detail," I said quietly, not really sure if I should go along with this. I don’t even like to tell people how I was bullied, because I hate the sympathy, but the cuts were a whole other story.

He let go of my hand, but seemed confused why. With shaky hands, I pulled my sleeve up and showed him the cuts. "This helps," I told home, letting a few stray tears fall from my eyes. With no hesitation, Kol came around to my side of the table and pulled me out of my seat wrapping me in a hug.

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