Chapter 17: Boys Are Stupid

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Chapter 17: Boys Are Stupid

Excuse the mistakes. 


"This is totally not helping," I whined.

"You're not even trying," Ryder said, offering me his hand. I huffed and folded my arms. We were in the basement practicing roller skating, and this was like the hundredth time I fell. My butt was killing me; it felt like it was on fire. And Ryder was right, I wasn't trying at all. I felt like giving up forever, you don't understand how much I hate roller skating. I just agreed to it because I was having so much fun with Ryder, and he wasn't even getting annoyed. I found that funny, because if I were in his place I'd already have given up on myself. You see, I don’t learn as fast as other people, so it’d take forever to teach me something.

"Come on Anna," He sighed. "It's really fun when you learn how to,"

"I doubt it," I denied, grabbing Ryder hand and pulling him down. It was a lot harder than I had expected, but I got to. “And you say that every time, so it doesn’t change the fact that I don’t think so.”

"I hate you," He said, lying flat on the floor.

"That's something I'll have to change," I smirked, turning on my side to face him.

He turned to me too and had a smirk on his face also, "And how ever will you do that?" He asked, mimicking my accent.

I took a quick glance at his lips, those cherry red and very kissable lips. At least that’s what I think about it. I feel nothing when I kiss him, so I’m gonna try again, maybe something’s wrong. I mean, I think I like him, but I don’t think my emotions agree with me. "And what would that be?" He asked, with the same smirk on his delicious lips.

"You know how," I said hesitantly.

"I'm not sure we're thinking the same thing," He smirked, but I knew he knew exactly what I meant.

I rolled my eyes, and pushed myself forward, attaching my lips onto his. Never in a million years would I have thought I'd have the courage to do that, because I'd over think everything in my head. I'd ask so many questions to myself, like: will he kiss back? What if he thinks I'm a creep? What if he doesn't like the kiss? What if he pushes me away? And there's a whole lot more that I don't feel like mentioning. But the few times we’ve kissed before, I got my confidence.  We have kissed, but we didst exactly label this as a "relationship". Harry knows nothing, which I am so happy about, because he'll probably turn into the overprotective brother. "Don't you think we should stop this?" Ryder asked when he had backed out. "We just kiss all the time, but we're not dating."

"I know..." I sighed. "But I don't want to date you, no hard feelings."

"It's fine, I don't either." He said. Okay, that hurt. I don't know why, but it just did. I mean, none of us like each other, but we've kissed so much? Someone should have enjoyed it, to at least keep it up. I mean, I only do it to see if something will change, but nothing ever does. But knowing he feels nothing either, I don’t know why he allows me to kiss him. I don’t think it’s the same as mine though, I don’t think it’d be that.

"So then why'd you do it?" I asked. "And why'd you kiss back?"

"Because I thought you could remind me of Layla," He said, already looking sad. I felt bad, and I wanted to punch him. You don't use a lady like that. But I felt bad about how he lost her. And I do understand why he’d do that; he has told me how I remind him of Layla, so I’d figure he felt lonely without her. But I still think he was stupid to just use my like that, I mean, no two human beings can ever be alike. Lilly and Lillian are nothing like me, even though we’re triplets.

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