Chapter 12: The Day Ever After, Part 3

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Cerise's PoV
"Due to my personal interests and concerns, I will not."
Cerise looks up at Dr. King Charming who smiles at her.
"You won't?" She whispers. "Honestly?"
He nods. "If you are who I think you are, then you are too important to give away. But," he jumps down from the table and straightens out his white doctor-coat, fixing his hair so it looks perfectly charming again. "I am a man of tradition and I believe very strongly in our stories and destinies. Until I am certain about your true identity and destiny you must stick to the one you already have. Also, you must stay as far away from Daring as possible."
"What does Daring have to do with this?" Cerise wrinkles her nose. "Wait, what do mean 'stay away'? And what is this talk about my 'true identity and destiny'?" Her eyes are spread wide. "I don't understand!"
"I don't expect you to. You will come to understanding everything in time."
"So you will tell me more? Good."
"Not now."
Dr. King Charming looks at the door and then smiles a little at her. "You are well enough to leave but before you go, I must take do some tests, blood-tests."
Cerise grimaces, shaking her head. "Please no."
"If you want answers to your questions then you must let me do tests on you! I can't work with your DNA if I don't have a bit of it. Look, R.E... I don't know everything either but from what I know so far..." he sighs silently, shaking his head a little. "If I'm right and you are... You could be the saviour of us all."
Cerise bursts out laughing whilst shivers runs through her whole body. She covers her mouth and presses her lips together to stop laughing, but it's hard.
"I'm really sorry Doctor Charming, I honestly don't think it's funny, to be hexact what you just said scared the fairycrap out of me..." She says once she has calmed down a little.
Dr. King Charming gives her a gentle smile. "That's alright. I hope needles doesn't scare you as much though." He shows her the thin needle before sticking her arm with it.
"Ouch!" Cerise growls behind her teeth. She bites her bottom lip hard as the blood is being sucked up to a tiny bottle-tube connected to the needle.
He removes the needle and puts on a little bandage on her arm and smiles. "Perfect. You can go now."
"Yeah, thanks Doc, but I'm kind of attached to this thing..." She gives off a half smile, pointing back to the tube behind her. "What is it anyway?"
He looks at her and chuckles. "Oh, that is, water. I figured you wouldn't drink yourself, even though I told the nurse to check on you to do it, so I put you on drops." He smiles and take out the needle from her arm. "Now you may go."
Cerise rubs her arm slightly and glides down from the bed. It feels strange to stand on her own two feet again, they are quite numb. She pulls the front of her hood further down before her eyes and walks away. When she is at the door, she stops and looks back at Dr. King Charming.
"Hey Doc,"
"Yes?" He looks at her with friendly eyes.
"Don't call me R.E again."
He smiles wide, as if he amused him. "Just remember what I told you. Stick to your path and stay away from Daring."
Cerise sighs.
"I will call on you when I've got the results from the tests, alright?"
She nods and gives him a little wave. "Have a nice day, Doctor Charming."
"You too, R.E."


Hunter's PoV
He had never been to this part of the school before. He didn't even know that it existed. But here it is, the enormous FairyCare. A hospital for the teachers, staff and students at Ever After High. Run and owned by no-one more charming than Dr. King Charming.
Hunter laughs hysterically, inwardly, as he walks through the corridors that all look the same. Sure, this building is huge but it really isn't "fairy-like". Nor does it look charming.
Brooke: "Speaking of charming.~ I think I see one right over theeereeee!"
Brooke points at Daring Charming who sits in a chair in the waiting room.
Female narrator, clearing her throat: "Actually, Brooke, it is Hunter's Point of View now. We shouldn't break in like this."
Brooke: "I'm not breaking in, I'm narrating. Besides, Daring got kicked out by his dad in the last chapter. I just wanted to include him so he won't feel so bad."
Male narrator: "That's very kind of you Brooke but-"
Brooke, interrupting her father: "How could we be breaking in anyway? What does that even mean???"
Male narrator: "Well... Sometimes we don't always narrate. Sometimes we just watch over the characters and give highlights to some special events, or guide them through hard times."
Brooke: "I don't get it."
Female narrator, somewhat frustrated: "We tell what we see as important but most of the time we just sit back and watch them live their lives and make their own choices. We don't rule over them, we let them come alive and do as they like."
Brooke, impressed: "Ooooh.... How does that work???"
Male narrator: "Well we give them of our life's essence."
Brooke, gasping happily: "I always knew I was magical but my magic just went up to a higher level! Wow!"
Female narrator, smiling: "That is lovely my dear, but we really have to get back to Hunter now. This part of the chapter belongs to him."
Brooke, smiling happily: "Yes, mother."
After what seems like eternity, Hunter is back at the reception. Again. He laughs quietly to himself, scratching the back of his neck. How was it that he could not find his way around here? Being a huntsman he should be a hexcellent tracker and he is, most of the time anyway. But here, he feels completely lost.
"Hexcuse me, do you need help with anything?"
Hunter turns to the receptionist who smiles a little. "Yeah well..."
"You have come here threes times now and each time you look so confused." She tilts her head a tiny bit.
"I'm looking for someone," Hunter walks up and stops by the counter, resting his elbow on it. "Do you know if she's still here?"
"I can check to if you want," the receptionist says with a smile. "What was the name?"
"Cerise Hood."
Hunter listens to the sound of buttons being pressed on the keyboard. A sound he doesn't hear that often as almost everything is all about touch-screens nowadays.
"She's not in anymore."
"Great..." Hunter sighs embarrassed of himself. What a great day for fairyfails.
"She was signed out just a moment ago, she should still be in the building." The receptionist looks up at Hunter.
He smiles, surprised and happily, "Thank you!" He dashes off from the counter to run off. The receptionist leaves her chair and follows him. "Just follow the main corridor and-!" she stops as she sees Hunter running into someone. She smiles and covers her mouth to prevent her giggles. "So cute..."

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