The Ultimate Rush

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"Well......" said Impulser. "Anyone want to play?"

Impulser pointed at Gravattack. "What about you Rock Boy? How about you put down lil' ol HeartBreaker and we rip each other to shreds for the heck of it?"

Gravattack gritted his teeth. "I take it that's Impulser?"

"Yeah." said Accelerator. "The one monster whose more blood thirsty then I was. And the eighth level 5 that no one knew about."

"COME ON!!!" Shouted Impulser. "Are you stupid freakin' retards going to fight me or are we just going to sit here!!?? If I don't get some blood soon, then I'm just going to pick one of you and go right at it!!"

"I-Impulser sempai..........." said HeartBreaker dizzily as she continued to rotate around Gravattack's gravitational field. "H-help........urp........"

Impulser sighed. "How irritating, the truth is that Vilgax only sent me to rescue that stupid meatbag flying around over there." Impulser put his hand against the wall of the sewer.

"Quite funny how flammable sewers are." said Impulser with a psycho grin. "Especially considering how much methane is in here."

"What?" said Gravattack not understanding.

"Impulser can control vibrations." spat Accelerator. "If he uses his vibration powers to create heat, he could ignite the entire sewer and blow us to kingdom come. Even my vector deflection would be useless thanks to the consumption of breathable oxygen."

"But that's crazy!!" Mikoto exclaimed. "He'll only take himself and HeartBreaker out along with us!"

"Crazy!!?" cackled Impulser. "Maybe!!! But this is what I call living!!! It's what I live for, not knowing if you'll survive or die as a bloody corpse!!! ITS THE ULTIMATE RUSH!!!"

If Gravattack could sweat, he was pretty sure that he would be filling buckets right now. If he tried to stop Impulser with his gravity powers, then Impulser would just ignite the air and cause absolute destruction. But if he didn't do something.............

"Ben," Accelerator said out of the corner of his mouth. "Blink if you're listening."

Gravattack blinked once to show he was.

"On the count of three, I want you to alter gravity to make him lighter then a feather. 1.....2.......3!!!!"

Gravattack did what Accelerator said and manipulated Impulser's weight without his knowing while Accelerator rocketed at Impulser using vectors. when Accelerator reached Impulser he did an upper cut punch and used vectors to send Impulser rocketting through the cieling and out into the street above where he kept on flying till he crashed into a nearby building.

Gravattack levitated himself, Mikoto, and Accelerator through the opening and landed on the street of what appeared to be the shopping district. Tourists and food stand owners ran hysterically from the area as Impulser got out of the hole he made in the nearby building and landed on the ground creating a crater around his feet.


Impulser sent out a powerful heat ray at Mikoto which was blocked by several cars that Gravattack levitated over with gravity. Mikoto sent a lightning bolt at Impulser which he dodged easily. Impulser then ran over at frightening speed which left a sonic boom in his wake. Impulser let out a bullet like kick into Gravattack, which caused him to fly into the road making a large gauge in the ground as he slid along the ground. HeartBreaker fell out of the air and was caught by Accelerator, who knocked her out with a punch and thrusted her into Mikoto's arms.

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