chapter thirteen

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           Tyler and Shirley didn't attend school. But apparently, Shirley was still hosting and attending student council meetings. Which also meant she probably got ahead in school, so she had all the time in the world to have an excused absence. Tyler, probably just skipped in spite of his heartbreak.

"Cam. Hey." A blond girl approached him on the tan concrete steps outside of the school.

Her blond hair shined in the sunlight. Peyton. He had given her number to him at Huey's party.

(If you guys can't remember who Peyton is, look at Chapter seven)

He smiled. He glanced behind her to see all of her friends lined up holding each other's blond and umbrae hair in anxiety. Wow. Taylor wasn't wrong when she said she had an audience. Every single girl infront of him, even Peyton, looked only a bit different than Taylor.

Peyton stood there, holding her breath. Cam glanced back at her. Her pink headband and sweater and plaid skirt looked perfectly put together. How long had she been preparing for this conversation?

She smiled awkwardly, "You haven't texted me yet. Is there still a party you wanted me to go to?"

Cam grinned. "I'm glad you asked. Actually I was hoping we could make it a one on one thing."

She gave him a huge smile. Wow, Cam's never really thought about what other girls think of him. Now he knows.

"That's great. I'm cheerleading for a game tonight, can you come?" Peyton said.

"Sure. I'll swing around." Cam nodded.

"I mean," she said unsure. "If you'd rather do something else... I just remember you going to the games with Ashley, Shirley and Ty-"

              Cam felt like he was struck in the stomach. Ashley. Ashley.

"Sorry.." She looked down, embarrassed. "I didn't mean-"

"It's fine." Cam said harshly and he looked away.

He was expecting her to skid off and never talk to him again but Peyton just put her smooth hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I know you two were close friends." She said.

Cam swallowed. We were, Cam thought.

              Ashley wasn't apart of the crossbows, but she was in Cam's mind. She was shy, but wonderful and curious.

Cam looked up at her, "I know this may be weird to ask, but are you single?"

She blushed, grinning. Her face turned all red and she looked like she was on something. Cam heard squeals from the other girls. He chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm single. And you?" Peyton tried to smile coolly, but Cam saw right through her.

Cam grinned, "Totally available."


When Cam came home from school his mind couldn't move off Shirley.

                 Is she alright? How is she taking Ashley's death? Two whole days without her. He couldn't help himself. Looking outside, he grabbed his rain coat and ran through the rain and wind.

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