chapter five

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Shirley's house

She didn't live in a hotel, but it was a pretty big house. It was elegant, and was crowded by trees. It made Cam feel as warm as he could in the cold, wet, slushy, snow.

Cam looked over to find Shirley reading on the left side window, and Cam smiled at her beauty. She was perfect. To Cam, at least. But then again did anyone else's views really matter?

Cam walked up nervously to the front door. Would she think he was stupid?

Luckily, it wasn't Shirley who opened the door.

But it was Shirley's mother. Apparently, Shirley's dad passed young, and Shirley's mom had to support Shirley, working odd hours as a doctor. It was about 7 am by the time Cam got there, he didn't get any rest.

Shirley's mom walked out, and stopped when she realized Cam was in the way of getting to her job.

Shirley's mom chuckled, "You are Shirley's friend? I am Shirley's mother, but you can call me Kelly."

Cam grinned and extended his hand, "Kelly, I'm Cam. It's nice to meet you."

They shoke hands until Kelly pulled away. She stared Cam down.

"Cam... as in Cam Briel? Gary's son?"

Cam's chest tightened, "Yes, but no. I mean, yes that is me but no we aren't living together anymore."

Kelly's eyebrows furrowed, "So where are you living?"

Cam almost said Ashley's, but then thought better. He wasn't really living there, because he left in the middle of the night, and didn't apologize to Tyler about- well- whatever Tyler got angry about.

Kelly saw his face, and chuckled.

"It's ok, you can stay here for the night."

"Oh no... I mean Shirley and I.....that might not be appropriate."

Kelly raised one eyebrow, "Let me guess, Tyler keeps her pretty well guarded huh? He's got good manners and always cheers Shirley up. But since this summer he's changed. I think it's best for her to stop dating him. For the last few nights she always going off to Allentown with him."

Cam swallowed, "Allentown?"

Kelly scratched her neck. "Nevermind about that. Um I should get going"

And with that, Kelly was gone.

Cam stood in the front doorway and he shut the door behind him. It was a beautiful house. Too beautiful for Cam, he thought. Everything was so delicate and Cam was so... not careful. Cam felt a bit uneasy about approaching Shirley uninvited. He thought for a second he was going to trudge way back to Ashley's house.

Cam fret in his whole body as he turned around and she opened the door.

She was coming back from Allentown Cam assumed. Shirley looked at him, tired with a hand on her head."

"What are you doing here..."

Cam gazed at her. So stunning. He loved the sound of her voice tired. Her in her cute sweatshirt and pajama bottoms. Maybe one day that could be his sweatshirt.

I won't give upTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon