chapter four

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Volunteer work? Volunteer work?

Cam knew he was better than Tyler but what was the principal thinking? Volunteer work was nothing. He had to do it for Honor Society anyway. 2 birds in one stone. Tyler gets suspended and Cam gets volunteer work. He's going to be pissed.

Cam looked up and saw Shirley across the street walking. She glanced at him, rolled her eyes, and walked away.

Cam ran across the street, chasing after her. Billius seemed to remember her as he was picking up the pace.

He scrambled his body infront of her. She stopped walking and stared at him. She crossed her arms.

"So I was right." She said.

"What?" Cam said breathlessly, he was holding Billius back from toppling on top of her, his tail flying everywhere.

"You get special treatment. Because of your family issues."

Cam processed what she said and furrowed his eyebrows.

He gazed up at her, "That's why you think I got out of suspension?"

"Think?" She laughed. "What? you thought the principal just loved you for your sweet personality? Do you even see outside your bubble of oversteaming cockiness?"

She kept on walking.

Cam bit his trembling lip.

Was this why she didn't want to talk to me back in the bathroom at the dance? Was all she thought of me was some cocky boy? Cam thought to himself.

Cam got infront of her so she couldn't leave him.

He put his hands on her shoulders and looked deep in her chocolate brown eyes. He furrowed his brows as his attention caught a bruise on her leg.

"Why is your leg hurt?"

Her eyes swept away from his gaze. He bent down and gently touched her knee, looking at the bruises and the scrape on her calf. The first time they touched. Cam tried to focus.

"Sit down on the bench" Cam says.

He picks her up by the hips and carries her over.

"Cam! What are you doing! Hey put me down!"

Cam puts her down on the bench. He grabbed into his bag and got out ointment that he used for his scrapes after Tyler punched him out. He popped the bottle open. Shirley sighed.

"Oh so now you're being a gentlemen. Lucky me!" She said sarcastically.

He gets behind her and rolls up her leggings a bit more to reveal the cut and bruise. He tried to not have his hand tremble but he really liked this girl. He was nervous to touch her. He had to prove himself a better guy than Tyler.

"I'm always a gentlemen, but this is the first time I get to redeem myself from my first bad impression."

She smiled and pet Billius, "Can't make a bad impression with this cutie"

Cam smiled up at her petting the dog, "he is cute."

Cam tried to focus but wow she was pretty. He told himself how simp like he was acting. He didn't really care if he embarrassed himself multiple times though. It was a risk he'd take for her. He poured the medicine over her leg and wrapped a bandage around her cut.

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