chapter three

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The long weekend had not been relaxing as Cam had hoped. Even at Tyler's huge mansion, Cam was stressed. Shirley and Tyler been broken up since "the kiss." Maybe broken up was too definite since Tyler has been giving her luxurious gifts and flowers since the event. They are probably just on a "pause." Cam didn't want to get his hopes up that he might have a chance with Shirley.

If Shirley takes him back that would be so annoying. He was drunk, sure, and he pulled away after, but still. Shirley deserves better than that. Reminds him a bit of Cam and Taylor's on and off again relationship.

Cam hoped that Shirley wasn't crying herself to sleep over Tyler. He wanted to talk to her but he didn't even have her number. Not to mention they've only talked twice.

And they would all have to confront each other in Spanish class. Great.

Cam walked in Spanish class to find Señora May standing in front of him. She stopped him with a very grim expression on her face.

Cam almost forgot about the fight. But seeing her face and coming back in the classroom..the memories of getting punched in the face by his best friend flushed through his mind like a hurricane.

Tyler entered the classroom right after Cam. And like Cam, Senora May stopped him by putting her hand in a stop position in front of him.

Tyler grabbed her hand and put it on his stomach. "Wanna feel my abs babe?"

Senora May ripped her hand away from him.

"Don't ever do that again."

Cam rolled his eyes and nudged Tyler to start acting serious. He didn't want to get them in more trouble.

Señora May crossed her arms and sighed.

"Head down to the office..ISS is probably in store for both of you."

Cam stomach turned. He knew there would be consequences but for some reason he had hoped Senora May would just have them go. Last year Cam slapped another kid in his class and got away by telling the teacher "it was a joke."

Cam tried to sound innocent and apologetic.

"Señora May, last class when we got into a fight.... it was a joke. Tyler was trying to impress his girlfriend and I- *cough* and I forgot to workout this morning so I was a little on edge. We thought it would be funny if we joke- punched each other you know? It was just a joke. Right Ty?"

"Yeah totally" Ty said smiling, "Cam and I are best friends. I'm even letting him stay at my house tonight we are that close."

Tyler winked at her, "You can join us if you want."

Senora May's face heated up in anger and Cam knew it was over. Thanks Bro.

"We'll see how funny the principal thinks your jokes are. Get out of my classroom. Now."

Cam sighed and tried to think of ways to fix this. He wouldn't get into a single college if he got ISS. His only real escape from Gary was college. Far far away from this small town. He couldn't afford losing college.

Cam put his head down in his own embarrassment. Cam grabbed Tyler's hand and dragged him out of the classroom.

Cam and Tyler walked down the hallway in silence.

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