chapter seven

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Back to school again. It had been some time since Christmas. Cam had called Shirley asking if she was ok and why she was hurt but she just said she was fine and hung up. He didn't want to be a bother but he was really worried about her.

Now he had to go to school and pretend like everything was fine when it wasn't. He didn't even know if Shirley would be at school.

When Cam went into Tech, Taylor waited at the door. Cam took a deep breath, knowing whatever she was going to say wasn't going to be good.



"What's going on between you and Shirley?" Taylor crosses her arms. "I know I dumped you but I want to know."

"She and Tyler are on a break " Cam said sighing.

"People think you reverted to your old ways, Cam." Tay said cocking an eyebrow. "People are judging, wondering what kind of things you've been up to since your father went to jail. And now they see you with Tyler? It doesn't look good."

Cam sighed, "who gets that stressed over appearances? Besides my dad is not me you know that."

Taylor's face lowered, "Are we friends?"

Cam blinked. "What?"

Taylor looked at him, "Are you and I friends?"

Cam raised his eyebrows, "I want to be friends Tay. I missed seeing you around. I know I was a bad boyfriend but-"

"Yeah you were. Maybe someday we can be friends but you're right. We aren't yet. Thanks for that, Cam."

As she left, Cam felt a pang of guilt. What happened to them? Even when they weren't dating, they were never like this. They were never not friends. Cam wanted to give her space over the summer but missed her. He grew up with her.

Sighing, Cam turned and faced the class. The stare was expected, but the whispers too? Cam took a deep breath as he took his seat.

Cam glanced at Taylor who raised her eyebrows as in a way to say Told you so. And it was true, everyone was talking about Shirley, Cam, and Tyler. Tyler's suspension, Cam's dad, Tyler and Sara, and how Shirley was the object of affection between the two boys.

The bell rang. Just like that, Cam sped to Spanish. He had no idea what to do or say to Shirley but he was going to talk to her...hoping she'd start up the conversation.

When he got there Señora May gave a slight smile at Cam and told him what he had missed. She was trying to hard to end the bad blood between them. He chuckled in his head, realizing that he probably looked like a good guy when he wasn't next to Ty. Well he was a good guy. Right?

She put Cam next to Shirley and then he really knew her intentions. Señora May was giving him a second chance to be a good student.

Cam sat next to Shirley, trying to pay attention but instead looking at how neat her handwriting was and how smooth her skin was. Cam remembered how soft it felt when he stroked her face gently in the limo.

Cam desperately wanted to talk to Shirley, pass her a note, or something, but Señora May was watching. Too closely. Cam still wanted to go to college.

When the bell rang, Cam stopped Shirley outside of class.

"Shirley- I'm sorry-"

"What? You have nothing to be sorry for."

"You were hurt.... how are you doing? And what were you doing in Allentown? Who did that to you? Was it Tyler?"

"Cam- what? Don't bring that up. In fact, don't talk to me unless it's about Tyler. I assume you were the one that brought his flowers to my house?"

Cam stomach did a flip. He, himself had dropped off flowers to her house. He knew it wasn't much but hoped it would brighten her day because she was hurt. It makes sense that she thought they were from Ty. But still. Cam wished he could confess how he really felt.

"Thanks for bringing them over. Ty is a great guy for buying them. But with everything else that has happened I really shouldn't be talking to either of you in school. People are starting to talk about it. So.... goodbye Cam"

Cam watched her as she walked away.

Class after class, Cam sat still. He hanged out with some friends like Huey and others during lunch. They had grabbed Ty's limo. He cocked an eyebrow when the driver let him on. They partied and partied.

He only stopped when he realized he got a text from Ty:

You delivered flowers in my name to Shirley? Sorry you took it the wrong way when I said you liked her. Anyways you can come live with me and have a limo from me again. It's quite lonely in suspension and I need my old friend back.

Sorry you took it the wrong way? Cam pursed his lips. Was this his way of apologizing? He's just like Gary. Well a bit better than Gary. But they were both narcissists who couldn't apologize. But Tyler still had time to grow up and become a man.

The new girl that Cam had heard about walked up to him in the hallway. She was blonde with Preppy clothing and looked like a wannabe Taylor. Like most of the girls at this school.

"Hey Cam... do you want to go to a party?" The girl said.

Cam looked back at the blonde. He realized she was nervous. She looked at him almost desperate. Cam looked around to see that all of her friends were watching. Was this some kind of test? Let's see if the new girl can get him to go to her party?

Cam looked at the blonde and sucked up his secret desire to not talk to her and walk away. He didn't want to embarrass her.

"Sure Cam paused to try to remember her name, "Peyton, I'll pick you up later today with some of my other friends"

A bunch of squeals came out from her friends in the corner.

Peyton's face turned pink and she smiled with a relieved smile.

"Sure. Here's my number, call me whenever you like."

She smiled at him and ran over to her friends.

Cam rolled his eyes eyes. He is never going to like Peyton. Like ever. But at least he made someone happy today.

He glanced at Ty's text. When school was over, he would pick Tyler, Shirley, Ashley, and Peyton up. Let's hope they all get along.

Time to party.

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