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The junior year formal:
(Pre warning: Cam was a dick )

Cam had known his last dance as a junior would be boring. But he didn't think his girlfriend wouldn't arrive on time.

Where is Taylor? When will she NOT be late? What a waste of space she is.

Taylor is Cam's girlfriend. So yeah, he might only asked Tay out because his mom passed away from cancer. She thought they would make a perfect couple...

Cam knew his mom would approve. So the day after his mom died he had asked Taylor out.

The years blurred from 8th grade to today. It all felt like a dream he couldn't remember. But, what he could remember, was that sometime around, he realized Taylor is over controlling, angry, and obsessive. Cam could even handle that. The main reason Cam didn't learn feel anything for her was because he thought she was with him for the wrong reasons.

For example, this. Cam is alone and getting shoved around by couples and his girlfriend is no where to be seen. Cam fumbled with his borrowed suit from Tyler because he couldn't afford one.

A blonde girl rushes up to Cam. She asks him if he would please be her date, and that her boyfriend dumped her on the night of prom. She begged for a dance with the school's hottest lacrosse player.

Cam shakes his head and explains to the blonde that he's waiting for Taylor. Her face saddened and she walked back inside. She would be severely punished if Tay caught her with Cam anyway. He was doing her a favor.

After a couple of seconds, Cam was done. He was impatient and sour at this time. He didn't even feel bad leaving some random girl without a date. Or make that two if Taylor actually shows up.

Then Cam's brows furrow. Is that crying he hears?

Cam rolles his eyes. Pfft. What does he care? Just another annoying girl who got cheated on tonight.

Some kid that stank like weed walks up to him. "Wanna smoke?"

"Not with you." Cam rolls his eyes and walks away.

Cam's feet lead him down the hallway just to get away from the smell. Damn. That stinks.

As he fumbles down the hallway the crying gets louder. Cam ends up right next to the girl's bathroom. Let's hope it doesn't stink in here.

"Ugh that dude reeks!!!" Cam said, annoyed. He hoped maybe he'd cheer up the crying girl with a laugh.

The crying stopped. Dead silence. Cam shifted uncomfortably.

"Yo uhm... I don't know how to comfort these women sort so can you stop crying?" Cam says.

"Leave then. Clearly you don't know what this is like" He hears a girls voice say. She sniffles.

Cam scoffed, if only this girl knew that his mom died from cancer. Maybe she'd understand. Yes, there are bigger problems then boy issues.

"Hey look, no boy is worth your tears..."

She sniffles. Cam sighs. Cam's still gonna be a dick like he usually is whether someone's crying or not. It's in his genetics from his father. He can't help it. At least that's what he tells himself.

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