Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

"Preston, you have got to be kidding me. You went to the station by yourself? I told you we would go first thing in the morning! You seriously couldn't wait that long?" Mitch barked on the other line.

Preston blinked at his phone, he was woken up by the ringing accompanied by Lachlan grumbling at him to answer it. His brain did not feel like functioning at the moment.

"What do you mean?" He responded.

"What do I mean!?" Mitch exclaimed, "Jesus Christ I don't have time for this. Jerome and I are on our way. Don't think that because you're at a police station doesn't mean I won't kick your ass 'cause I will." Then the line went dead.

Lachlan rubbed his eyes, he was asleep before Preston's phone started ringing, and looked down at Preston's phone screen. "What was that about?"

"Mitch is coming to kick my ass," Preston responded tiredly. "Let him try."

Just then an officer comes through the door, a lady in a pantsuit following behind him. "We're gonna have to ask you to leave, sir. We have some confidential information to discuss with Mr. Gallagher."

Preston looked up at the two from where he and Lachlan sat next to each other on the floor. "He can stay," Lachlan said.

"He is not allowed to hear this, hence the word confidential," The lady in the pantsuit said.

"He can stay," Lachlan repeats.

With a sigh, The two sit down and Lachlan follows and sits across from them, a hand rubbing across his face. There were no other chairs available so Preston awkwardly sat on the floor next to where Lachlan was sitting.

"Mr. Gallagher-"

"Lachlan," He cut in.

"Excuse me?" The officer asks, puzzled.

"Call me Lachlan. I know it's less formal, but I hate when people call me Mr. Gallagher."

He gives a shrug but nods. "Lachlan, you should know you're in quite a bit of trouble. So I'm going to ask you some questions. To make this easier on the both of us, you should be truthful. Tell me everything you did on August 17th of this year."

"Well, school was going to be starting up soon, so I had to make sure my siblings had everything they needed. Rob needed a new backpack so Preston-" Lachlan motioned towards him, "Preston and I went to get him a new one at the dollar store."

"And what time did you do all that?" The lady in the pantsuit asked.

"Whenever the store opens. We got there too early so we had to wait for it to open," Lachlan replies. "We went back home and I was there for the rest of the night."

"Preston, is this true?"

Preston jumped at the question, not because Lachlan was lying at all, but because he was not expecting to be included in the conversation. He clears his throat then replies, "Yeah, uh.. Yes, he was home for the rest of day."

"Lachlan, did you shoot Jane Maximoff on the night of August seventeenth?"

"I just told you, I was home all day, but let me get one thing straight with you. Guns aren't really my style, and I'd rather beat someone to a bloody pulp with my own fists than use a gun. I'm more accustomed to something a little old fashioned," Lachlan finishes.

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