Unsteady|Stiles Stilinski

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Just a little authors note, this is about abuse at home. If you do not feel comfortable reading this, you may skip this chapter. If you are experiencing domestic violence please talk to someone, anyone. An adult, friends, even me. You are not worthless, you are so special.

I'm also a little if-y about this chapter so please give feedback!

You sat in class, drawing random designs in your notebook. Today you just weren't feeling it. You didn't understand, usually you were upbeat and cheerful, but today just wasn't one of those days.

Allison tapped your shoulder as she noticed this too.

"Are you okay?" Allison gave a small smile.

"Yeah, just tired" I gave one back.

I've never been one to express my problems. Usually I don't really have problems, or I know how to solve them on my own.

"Okay, well, tell me if something is troubling you" Allison gave me a quick hug and went back to listening to the lesson.

I went back to zoning out for a few seconds until I felt little taps on my my back. I turned around to see Stiles.

"Hey, why don't we skip the rest of the day?" Stiles winked and bit his pencil.

You gave him a small smile, "yeah. Let's skip".

Stiles nodded, surprised you agreed, but happy to say the least. You then formed a plan that you would ask to go to the bathroom and Stiles would have Danny hit him and make his nose bleed.

You tried many times to tell him all he had to do was ask to go to the bathroom after you, but he thought doing this was the only way.

After you had left the classroom, you had walked to the meeting place you had decided on, your locker. Once you opened your locker, a picture of you and your dad fell. You grabbed it and held it to your chest. A sob escaped your lips and you slid down your locker. Flashbacks of the night replayed in your mind.

Flash back to last night:
(Your POV)
It had been like every night in my household. My little brother and sister refusing to do what my mom told them, but once she threatened to take away their phones they would immediately pull out a pencil.

I laughed and continued to help my mom with dinner. As we were about to put the lasagna in the oven, my dad walked in. He swayed a little as he came into the kitchen. All of us were quiet.

My father was rarely drunk, but when he was he was bad. So we try not to make him extra angry or annoyed. My mother and I continued to finish dinner once my dad was walking towards the living room. We then heard a crash.

I rushed into the room to shards of glass on the floor. My little brother just sat there, shocked. My little sister started to scream. Oh no.

"Shut up!" He walked over to her about to smack her but I jumped on him.

"Don't touch her!" I began to pull him away from her but he pushed me off and I landed on the couch next to my brother.

"You little bitch" Before he could touch me I smacked him.

"Get out" I was seething.

How dare he call me a bitch. How dare he ruin our home with his impulsive ways. How dare he try to lay a hand on my sister or me.

"What?" He looked at me and started laughing.

"I said get out!" I grabbed a pillow and started to hit him, pushing him towards the door.

I went to smack him again, but he grabbed the pillow. He took it out of my hands and threw it. He raised his hand and smacked me.

I tumbled to the floor and a tear rolled down my face. He has to get out, now.

"Call the cops" I looked over at my little brother.

He nodded and dialed. My dad went to go over to him but I grabbed his leg and tripped him. He landed and hit his head on a wall, knocking him out.

"Hurry guys, we don't know how long he'll be out for" we all ran out of the house and waited for the cops to come.

My mother went to hug me but I stopped her, then walked over to my little brother and sister. We hugged and I held them as they cried. It has never gotten this bad, and hopefully it never will again.

Back to now:

You picked yourself up and looked in the little magnetic mirror in your locker. The cover-up on your cheek had began to come off. You rummaged through your school bag to try and find it but Stiles stopped you.

"What are you looking for? Maybe I can help" Stiles put his hand on your shoulder.

You sniffled and continued to look through your bag. You couldn't let Stiles see. You let out a groan as you still couldn't find it.

Stiles turned you around after the tenth time of trying to get you to look at him. He gasped as he saw the welt on your cheek from last nights events.

"Please don't tell anyone" A tear rolled down your cheek once more.

"You have to tell someone, you-you can't just let this happen! Oh my I-I have to tell my dad. I'll call him!" Stiles started to freak out.

"No Stiles, you don't understand. My dad is already in jail. I just don't want anyone to know, okay?" You placed your hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him.

"O-okay, good. I'm glad it's all handled" Stiles hung up and put his phone away.

"Now, what ever shall we do on this glorious slip day?" You laughed along with Stiles and walked to his Jeep.


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