Stomach Bug|Whittmore

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The third time today I have thrown up. It's so annoying! Jackson has also been over a lot to take care of me, since my dad has been busy with work and so has my older brother Stiles.

But today I was done with this stupid sickness. I called Jackson and asked him to take me to the hospital. And a few minutes later, he did.

But unfortunately, Stiles had heard everything and taken everything in the wrong way.

"Dad. I think Zara is pregnant" Stiles panicked, putting a hand through his hair.

"What?! How do you know?" Sheriff asked, now mimicking Stiles' actions.

"She-uh-has been throwing up. And is now going to the hospital" Stiles reassured himself that, that was the real symptoms.

"So. She could be sick Stiles" Sheriff began to get pissed at his son.

"But Jackson has been over a lot too. Taking care of her and everything. I've been here the whole time" Stiles' palms began to sweat as he told a lie.

Stiles was supposed to be there the whole time, but never was. He was taking his fathers long hours to his advantage. Zara tried but then got sick.

There was a slight pause on the Sheriff's line.

"I'll be home soon"

*Time skip*

After a few hours at the hospital and finding out it was only the flu, Jackson took Zara home.

Zara walked in and was surprised to see her father and brother asleep on the couch and snoring. But they both jumped up as they heard the door close.

"Zara why are you pregnant?" Sheriff said but then corrected himself. "Zara, are you pregnant?"

Zara let out a little laugh.

"This isn't a laughing matter" Stiles spoke.

"Yes it is, because you think I'd really get pregnant when we have way more problems?" Zara continued to laugh.

"See I told you she wasn't pregnant" Sheriff glared at Stiles.

"Okay, whatever. We're going up to my room to watch a movie" Zara took Jacksons hand and led him upstairs.

"Just don't get pregnant" Sheriff yelled at them.

As they got into Zara's room, Sheriff smacked the back of Stiles' head.
"You idiot"

For the rest of the night Zara and Jackson stayed in her bedroom and watched a bunch of movies while cuddling.

Sorry it's so short but I hope you like it!

And to everyone else that requested an imagine, I'm working on them right now.

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