The Wunder Games 5

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I awake to the sound of hard knuckles rapping on my compartment door. When I finally heave myself out of bed and prop the entrance ajar, I see Elaina standing in front of me, wearing an enormous smile of perfect snowy white teeth.

"Good morning, Olivi!" she says, brightly, "Breakfast will be ready soon. Thought I might give you a head's up!" I nod sleepily to show I heard her and close the door again. Truthfully, I don't feel like eating another rich meal. Last night, I had a difficult time trying to agree with my dinner. I had never eaten food like that before. What I really feel like doing is spinning this train around and driving it all the way back to District 4 to eat normal meals with my mother.

Unforntunatley, I do not know how to turn a train about.

I wash myself in the shower, which is odd to me after fourteen years of bathing in the ocean. The water pouring down my bare back is warm and not salty so I'm fine with it all. After my shower, I find the least sparkly dress in my closet and slip it on.

Elaina greets me as I arrive in the dining car. She pats my shoulder and asks me how I slept.

"Not bad," I lie, "And yourself?"

"Fabulous!" Elaina giggles, "I love sleeping on trains!" She pulls up a chair for me and we both dig into the morning feast of quail eggs, plum tarts, chocolate sauce, roast ham and sliced tomatoes that lies before us. Once again, I have trouble keeping such rich food down in my stomach.

Garren bursts through the car door, looking like he only just hopped out of bed.

"What? You all couldn't wait?" Garren looks disappointed and half starved.

Elaina sighs and finds a chair for him too. He drops into it and serves himself extra large heapings of everything on the table. We eat in silence for a few minutes. Just as I'm finishing my eggs and Garren is beginning to cram tarts into his mouth, (man, this kid eats like a pig) Elaina clears her throat and we listen up.

"We'll arrive at the Capitol station in ten minutes!" she announces as if she's still up on that stage in the town square, "You won't have to worry about anything since you have brought no luggage. There-um-really is no point..." She thinks better of telling us we're both going to die and moves on to the next subject. "Your stylists will escort you to a room where-"

"Stuh-lists?" A bit of plum falls out Garren stuffed mouth. 

"Yes," Elaina acts like we've been living under a rock. "Haven't you heard? You need to look good when you go into the arena or else no one will want to sponsor you!"

"Sponsor us?" I ask, "You mean, like, send us stuff while we're playing the games?"

"Of course!" Elaina squeaks, "Food, medicine, useful tools, anything you need and they can afford, really! Sponsors are bound to help the best looking contestants!"

"I assume you'll be sponsoring us," Garren mutters, shifting his fork towards his chunk of golden-brown ham.

"Actually, I'm not allow to sponsor anyone or bet." Elaina has lost her perkiness.

"Bet?" These games get worse by the minute.

"Yes, like, on how long you'll-" Elaina needs to stop bringing up the fact that we're on a train to our dooms, "Never mind! Anyway, you're stylists will help you to look glamorous! Not that you're not awesome-looking already! Really, though, Olivi!" She sweeps a teal hand down my braid, fluffing it up even more. "Have you ever even brushed your hair?"

I can't lie to her.


"Well they'll fix that up and it's a good thing you've washed most of the grub off your face in the shower!" Elaina continues on the point that I am hideously ugly. I know this. As if no has ever told me before.

The Wunder Games-A Hunger Games Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now