Abondened Hope (Part 1)

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6:30 PM
Wayne Manor

*A week after my mothers death a funeral was set for today at 10:00 PM, the funeral will be held at the Queen Mansion however at our hugely big backyard and a gravestone is going to be put as well. My sister Thea was the one who sorted all this by herself because I'm too selfish to actually reveal myself or to come back but I only did this because I knew it was for the best if no one knows I'm back, Bruce has kept me accompanied and tried getting my mind off my mothers death but as much as I appreciated his help it did not work. I recently haven't done anything as a matter of fact I hardly ate, I couldn't sleep but I had to get myself together so yesterday I begun to train my archery skills however during the session I had so much anger stored inside my heart that when I shot one of my arrows at the target I imagined it was the man whom killed my mother and when I did I'd ran at the target, jumped up and kicked the Arrow into the target causing a hole of the wall to break seeing the target was stuck to the wall anyways.
I had just finished showering from the bathroom that was in the same room as my bedroom, similar to my room at the Queen Mansion too, I dressed myself with a normal black T-shirt and grayish pants I'd walked to the door to exit as I opened the door I heard Bruce and Alfred and Tim Wayne at the dinner table speaking to each other downstairs however everyone went quiet as I entered the living room and looked at me until Alfred got up and welcomed me to sit on the end of the table opposite to where Bruce was sitting, I sat myself down as Alfred brung me something to eat however I refused to eat and to rather just have drank the wine that Alfred put aside of the dish, we all stared at each other until Tim broke the silence and asked me and Bruce something*

Tim: So I know you guys said you wanted to work alone without the League but am I ever going to join the Justice League again ?

Me: 'Before Bruce could say anything I answered Tim's question' Look kid do you see or hear anything about the League anymore ? Do you hear anything about them on the news or has there at least been one headline saying The Justice League reunites ? I hate to break it to ya kid but The Justice League isn't returning, not now and not ever again. 'I made it clear that the League meant and was nothing'

Bruce: 'Bruce looked at me gave me a light glare' What Queen meant to say is that the Justice League isn't exactly looking to come back for now 'he on the other hand made it sound as if they are going to return in the future'

Tim: So you think they'll come back, right Bruce ?

Me: Yes Bruce feed your son a lie... Look kid the Justice League raised everyone's hopes, that they are these people who save the world every time the world needed their help but they did it and played with our minds but no kid they wont come back because the League was destroyed and those who want it to come back are raising their hopes for no reason.

Bruce: OLIVER 'he'd gotten pissed and looked at me angrily'

Me: WHAT BRUCE, lets face it the League isn't exactly coming back especially after TWO YEARS of absence if not longer 'as I was grabbing onto the cup of wine my body temperature became hotter and I myself became more angry so as I held the cup, accidentally the palm of my hand squeezed too hard onto the cup and soon broke the cup causing it to shatter onto small pieces, I looked at the pieces of glass and got up from the chair and left the dinner table'

Bruce: Alfred can you please clean that up 'he got up from his chair and left the table, following me but as I looked back I saw him and he then told me he needed to speak with me'

Me: What Bruce ?

Bruce: Look I am sorry about your mothers death okay but you cannot go ahead and lash it out on others who have not mistreated you or even said anything wrong towards you. Now the reason I wanted us to work together is so that maybe in the future someone from the League will decide to come to us for help and maybe and just maybe bring the League back together, me and you are the League's only hope right now.

Me: WHAT *I grinned angrily looking at him* you told me to join you, and to forget about the League, now you WANT THEM BACK ?

Bruce: If you haven't realized, cities like Central city and Metropolis haven't got anyone to watch over them

Me: *I took a long sighed and nodded easily, I went upstairs into my room only to have dressed myself into my Black and White suit as I knotted up the tie properly, I went down the stairs once again and just as I was about to leave the mansion, Alfred had questioned to where I'm off to*

Alfred: Mr. Queen where are you going ?

Me: Bruce wants the Justice League back together, fine well then I gotta go look for a at least one member of the League

Alfred: And where is you'll be looking Mr. Queen ? Also not to forget you and Bruce wanted to keep your profiles low, so no one will find out you guys are back...

Me: Alfred thank you for the reminder okay but if me and Bruce need to find a member of the JLA then we can't just sit here do nothing.

Alfred: Fair enough Mr. Queen

Me: You can just call me Oliver if you want, by the way you got any good cars around this place ?

Alfred: We never run out of cars *a gentle smile appeared on his face as he said that* Oliver... *He walked to the garage outside the front-yard of the Wayne mansion, there happened to be a black matte colored Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 that was owned by Bruce however I'll be using it for now*

Me: Thanks Alfred *I looked at him though before I can drive off I saw Bruce Wayne walking towards me and Alfred*

Bruce: What are you doing ? In my car ?

Me: *I looked serious as I answered his question* need to find one member of the JLA so we can actually get to the League

Bruce: And you didn't think to tell me ? Why ? *He too looked at me but curiously as he also looked at Alfred as if he was I forming Alfred that he is blaming him too*

Me: Don't look at Alfred like that Bruce, I didn't tell you because I know you'll be a cocky idiot and say 'I told you we should've looked for someone'

Bruce: Fine but I'm coming *he opened the door to his car however he sat in the passenger seat while I was still going to drive*

*I had finally driven off as I was beginning to head down to the Central City Police Department, Bruce recognized I was going to Central City but he hadn't any idea to why I was going there first*

Bruce: So why Central City ?

Me: Well luckily for me unlike you I actually get to know some of the JLA members, Barry Allen works at the Central City Police Department, *I put my hand on the gearbox and pulled it up causing to go a bit faster however I slowed the car as there was a red light*

Bruce: Look Oliver I didn't get the chance to say I'm sorry about your mother and if you want you can stay as long as you want in the Wayne Mansion

Me: Thanks Bruce but as soon as the media knows I'm back I'm gonna have to go back to Thea, plus I've been having the thought of running for Mayor at Starling City *I once again drove off as the green light turned on*

Bruce: Mayor ??? Way made you think of that ?

Me: Well I save Starling City as a hero but to the Police I'm some sort of a threat so maybe I can also help my city by being the Mayor.

Bruce: Heh never thought Oliver Queen, multibillionaire who did nothing but party everyday to actually run for mayor...

Me: *We finally reached the destination of the Central City Police Department* yeah thanks for the support *I got out of the car and so did Bruce, I went into the Department as Bruce followed in*

*As we both entered we'd seen people walking all around the place while others were on phone calls or perhaps others just doing there paperwork however a man in the corner seemed to be playing PAC-MAN, I didn't concentrate on that more to who I and Bruce could speak with but as we entered it seemed as if we caught everyone's attention without speaking or moving anymore, everyone stared at us as if they'd seen a ghost but we had no time to waste so I spoke to the group firstly but before I could speak a man who works at the Department asked*

Department Worker: After two years or so now youse two show up, where have you guys been ? *He asked as if he was demanding an answer*

Me: Mind your own business kid, even if it takes me and Bruce to show after a hundred years it'll still be none of your business.

Bruce: Listen everybody!!! Me and Oliver are here because we need to speak to a person that works here, he goes by the name of Barry Allen .

Chief Paulson: *A man came out of his office being the last to show up in the crowd* and what might be your relation to him *he walked closer to me and Bruce as he seemed like an old serious chief, he had grey old hair with a small farcical mustache along with it his brown an eyes glared at me and Bruce*

Me: *I stepped up to him and said while I too now glared at him* we need to see him and that's all you need to know

*Barry from the crowd finally showed himself to us after five minutes or so*

Barry: What's the matter ? *He looked at his chief but seemingly didn't pay attention to me and Bruce at first but then as he looked at his chief he then saw me and Bruce* ...Oliver ? Bruce ?

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