The Emerald Archer vs The Batman (part 1)

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The dark Archer (Page 6)

December/28/2009. THE BATMAN

Still he stood front of me not raising a tone of his voice however his eyes were shown to a slight angriness into them. The vigilante that's been hunting the Gotham City criminals finally meets with me, a vigilante with the same form of idea as me. I open my mouth to actually confront him and ask him who he is 'who are you ?' I say in a deep voice but a littler deeper then usual but without saying a word yet he only looked at me but after 2 minutes finally he says something to me 'I am a member of the... Justice league team' as he answered he too had a very deep voice tone but once I'd heard him talk about the justice league I slightly let out a little chuckle however done so he glared at me and turned his right hand into a hard fist. 'Okay okay calm down, who are you ? My voice tone seemed pissed' he looked at me seriously 'I am the Batman a member of the justice league and if you think it's some sort of a joke then you must an idiot' I raise my eyebrow 'Justice League ? Isn't that a myth ? He shakes his head as a no 'the Justice League is a form of team members that are superheroes, people with such powers that normal humans can't posses but like me and you, we don't have powers and yet we are still a member since we have saved and helped the people of the world. We are who we are because we fight the crime with our own' I look at him slightly confused and sighed 'wait you said me and you are a member... Since when did I become a member ? 'You became a member when I did...' I look at him more confused 'why when you joined ? 'Because Oliver we are...' Before he could continue DeathStroke had ripped the string.

He jumped onto the building again punching batman across the face causing him to fall on the ground, DeathStroke had ran towards me getting out a pistol gun and shot a bullet aimed to my leg though I dodge the bullet by jumping in the air front flipping and landing into the ground, DeathStroke turned around to shoot me but I was too fast for him to be ready and elbowed him on the stomach causing him to fall on the ground and rolled on to the edge of the building, he opens his eyes and rolls down from the building as he got a grapple gun which he shot at another building far from the Starling City Hospital. I walk over to batman and put out my hand to help him up but he refuses and got up by himself 'why didn't you go after DeathStroke ?' He'd sounded pissed 'your kidding right ? No you LISTEN to me I don't care who you are but you don't just come to me in the middle of the night and tell me why I didn't go after some guy' I'd had enough of him and as I was about to leave he interrupts 'I know you got stranded on an island for 5 years but it doesn't make you who you think you are' I turn around and glare badly at him grabbing a steel sharp arrow from my quiver and aimed it on my bow against Batman, he however got a bat-rang out and waited for me to shoot so he would release the bat-rang, my green steel arrow had gotten released from my bow and flew across to the other but batman had threw his bat-rang targeting the steel arrow however both weapons were in line as they both flew towards each other my arrow made a hole in the middle of the bat-rang and continued to batman's chest also going through his chest.

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