New Years Eve

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1:30 pm Mount Justice

Everyone seemed cheerful and happy since its New Year's Eve but with me I sat on the couch at the lounge whilst I was only able to think about what DeathStroke said to me yesterday, he lost an eye because of me ? Ways that even supposed to mean, I don't even know him and I've never even met him... I think. My face was rather more serious then usual yet it wasn't just the seriousness but I was filled with anger inside of my heart though I'm one of those people who can keep a straight face and seem alright but when really I'm usually not, god only knows what he even meant, finally after sitting on the couch for 10 minutes I thought I'd go to the workout room as I walked to the workout room I was a little surprised that the entry was by a door and not some Zeta-tube or some hologram door but rather just a normal door, as I entered inside the workout room the first thing that caught my eyes was the large chin up bar that stood at the very back middle of the room however the reason it was the first that caught my attention was because back when I was at home I had a large chin up bar which every night I would work on the bar.
I tensed my arms a bit and slightly jumped up reaching onto the metal bar and holding on to it, had done so I'd pulled myself up and then down I repeated doing the it a couple of times thought stopped as my arms tired out however after I got off the chin up bar and as I was about to walk out Batman walked in knowing he would find me in here but he needed to speak with me so I walked outside with him.

Batman: Thank you 'he looked at me while talking to me though walking forward but his voice usually plain'

Me: 'For the first few seconds I was confused why but then I caught up' you mean about Robin... Yesterday ?

Batman: Yes 'he lightly sighed and continued to walk'

Me: It's fine, Bruce. However yesterday I was more worried about Robin then myself

Batman: 'He looked at me a little surprised but he knew I would care for a kid' I was getting to the location... 'He took a long pause before continuing what he wanted to say' Robin usually knows how to handle himself in these situations

Me: He is a kid... 14 years old kid, you can't expect him to beat DeathStroke without failing the first time or so 'I kept walking with Batman though Green Lantern had passed by us but stopped before getting too far and said'

Green Lantern: Green Arrow, can I speak with you ?

Me: I'm a little busy at the moment 'I looked back at Green Lantern though Batman looked at me and said'

Batman: Its fine you can go that's all I wanted to tell you anyways 'before I can say anything else he'd walked away'

'I walked the opposite direction of Batman with Green Lantern'

Me: What's wrong ?

Green Lantern: Superman has told me to take you with me in a mission

Me: Now ?

Green Lantern: Yes

Me: Fine I'll go put on my suit 'I walked away and into the room that I shared with Green Lantern, I grabbed my suit from underneath the bed and suited up'

'Green Lantern had waited outside the room for me but after I finished I'd walked out and put on the hood at last which covered my face'

Green Lantern: The guy we need to take down is BRICK, he is a metahuman super-villain whose recently attacking and killing citizens of Star City, heard of that city ? Of course you have 'he said the last sentence jokingly'

Me: God just by the name BRICK he sounds big

10:20 pm.

'I said whilst I walked to the down-level of the cave were my arrow-plane was parked inside the cave. I had the password key which I entered for the plane itself to turn on, one of the buttons on the key was for the door to open as I pressed that the door gently went down with stairs for me to walk on and for Green Lantern. Entering for the first time Green Lantern thought it was pretty cool but as soon as the lights on top of us turned on smoothly he looked up and said 'dude I gotta get me one of these things... Although I do actually fly myself' I walked a little further to the front were the seating was and the flight yoke was too, I sat down on the left front seat and pressed five green buttons to turn the whole plane engine while Green Lantern sat down he put the seatbelt which covered his body, the plane lifted up from the ground as the whole door which opened up entirely I had finally flew the plane out of the cave and left.'

As I flew off I didn't want to make the the whole drive so awkward or silent so I decided I would ask Green Lantern something but before I could I'd tilted the plane a little and tilted back

Me: So what is it like ?

Green Lantern: 'He looked at me though I focused on flying the plane to the location' what's what like ?

Me: Being in the Justice League ?

Green Lantern: Look it usually depends to if you usually go on missions a lot then it can be hard but no matter how hard it gets its always great to help others, but if you do separate missions alone or with a sidekick then it can be fun or tiring because you kinda have to watch your partners back a lot since he would be younger

Me: You don't have a partner, do you ?

Green Lantern: 'He looked down on his knee but then looked back up' no...

Me: Would you ever want to have one ? 'I took my eyes away for a second or two and then turned back to handle the plane'

Green Lantern: Well because I never really thought about it but I guess it would be pretty cool... 'He hadn't continued what he wanted and finished'

Me: I see 'the location GPS had beeped warning me that we were on top of the location to where BRICK is' well gotta get to work

'I lowered the body of the plane and parked it in the middle of the road across the Starling City Police Department, as I done so I unbuckled my seatbelt and so did Green Lantern as the Arrow-Plane shut off and the second I stepped outside the Plane I felt something grab me... Something huge... Something too big for a human, it grabbed me and chucked me across the streets and into a building I crashed and fell on the ground helplessly I groaned badly and raised my head up and as soon as I saw it was the one and only Brick I got up as fast I can and got a steel green arrow and aimed it on my bow against my target 'Brick' and released it as fast as I can, the arrow flew towards him however when it hit Brick the steel arrow done no damage whatsoever in fact the arrow itself got more damage itself by getting bent. I sighed and ran towards him but he raised his arm wanting to punch me but because I was shorter and smaller I rolled down too fast and ended up being behind him, Green Lantern finally got in the action and I'm guessing with his green ring he shaped a huge punch shape that was bright green and hit it towards Brick making him fall down on the ground completely though the ground streets cracked a bit more then it should've, I had gotten out a gas arrow as he got up I aimed it on the ground next to him released it the gas spread all around him whilst Green Lantern made a circle shape which he captured a car from the roads and tried chucking it on Brick but missed as Brick got up before Green Lantern could, as Brick now ran towards Green Lantern and planning to punch him I got out an explosion arrow which contains a compact explosive charge it this also included poison powder so when the explosion goes off it also releases poison powder against the opponent so that was the other easiest way to kill or fight Brick. I aimed the explosion arrow on my compound bow and aimed it against Brick who is about to hit Green Lantern but before he could I finally release the arrow which opened the tip and the explosive charge exploded next to Brick but Green Lantern was able to escape before it gets him too, the explosion became stronger and the poison gas spread right towards Brick which finally from the explosion he flew towards a truck that was parked next to the police department, he smashed himself into the truck and fell onto the ground having no motions or power to get up anymore.

12:12 am

Finally after getting back the Mount Justice I had no intentions to sit with anyone rather then just sit alone because I still needed to figure out who DeathStroke is and why does he wanna kill me mostly then any other members of the Justice League. Everyone outside the main lounge were watching the New Years Eve celebration on television but I'm guessing because Batman/Bruce isn't so greatly cheerful he himself probably isn't watching the celebration, I closed my eyes as I thought about what DeathStroke said to me yesterday 'that he was the one who lost an eye because of me' but I don't even know him I thought to myself. After moments of being alone I knew someone would eventually knock on my door or come in to talk to me, Batman knocked on my door I'd told him to wait, I opened my eyes and got up to open the door I put my hand on the doorknob and turned it around causing it to open.

Me: Yes ? 'I sighed while I had a bit of an attitude'

Batman: 'He walked in without me inviting him in' I found something useful for you, Oliver.

Me: What is it ? 'I turned my head as I looked at him and closing the door as he walked in'

Batman: Yesterday DeathStroke somehow had a hair DNA on the grounds of the lounge, I found it yesterday night and thought I should check it.

Me: So do you know who he is ? 'I said impatiently wanting to know who it is'

Batman: Oliver I don't think... 'Before he continued I grabbed him by his shoulders'

Me: THIS MAN WANTS TO KILL ME 'my voice raised towards Batman and angrily' I need to know, Bruce 'I said calmly and letting go of him'

Batman: I understand... 'He took a slight pause and looked out the window in my bedroom' it's Slade...

Me: 'I interrupted him before he could continue anymore' y-you mean Slade WILSON 'I raised my voice and my anger was released as I punched the wall next to the window making a huge hole on the bedroom wall, I looked down on the ground'

Batman: Oliver, calm down...

'After the punch that I done it caused quite a loud bang noise so Green Lantern and Flash and Superman ran towards the room and opened the room seeing that I was the one who caused the noise, the three of them widened their eyes and were quite surprised by my actions'

Superman: Is everything...

Me: GET OUT 'I interrupted before he can continue' ALL OF YOU.

12:40 am.

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