Back from the Dead.

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The dark Archer (Page 8)

The Queen and Wayne family were related together in someways but if that's true then why didn't I know abut it ? But how am I also even divided into all of this ? The justice League is s team that contains superheroes that are willing to save the world like nobody else.

I had left my bedroom, no one was home except me, as I went down the stairs you can tell that there was a slight depression inside the house. No lights were on and all the curtains closed there was no touch of the sun anywhere around the house although outside must've been a sunny normal day but for me it's not they way I'd expected things to go. I was just getting down the last step as someone knocked on my door, turning my eyes to the main house clock 'god it's 7:00 am, who is it this time some new league or something' I murmured but I walked down to the door as my hand was on the handle I look outside from the peephole of the door but his face wasn't too clear so I'd opened the door...

'Hello Oliver' I looked at him... It was the last person I'd expected to ever knock on my house the second I saw his face I was surprised but for some reason I kinda knew deep down he wasn't dead 'uh Bruce... Back from the dead' I smiled as he knew that I didn't believe he'd been dead but in slight glare he smiled back at me however I could tell he wanted nothing more then to fight me 'I'm guessing you didn't believe my death' I raised an eyebrow looking at him as I crossed my arms together 'you seemed to have fooled everyone else... Not me though' he walked inside the house I looked at him but with one my hand I closed the door 'who do you mean by everyone' he went inside the living room and sat down on the brown leather couch 'uh the people you call Justice League... So I need to ask something, we're cousins ?' He turned to me as he took a long sigh and seemed that he wasn't happy that the justice league interfered 'first of all your my second cousin and second of all what did the Justice League tell you' I looked at him as I walked the other couch that was seated next to the one Bruce was sitting on 'nothing important'... I hadn't told him because I knew he wouldn't be too happy about hearing what they said.

He got up from the couch as he looked at the time from his watch 'so Oliver I guess we'll be seeing each other again... Tonight' the Justice League wanted me to join but I couldn't tell Bruce that, at least not yet 'yes I guess we might be seeing each other for more then just one night' Bruce turned the lock on the door and opened the door for him to exit...

Gotham City bank, 11:00 pm.
On news tonight it was said that five criminals have been robbing the bank three times in a row with no one stopping them so where has the Batman been three days ago.
On top of the Gotham City bank I stood there as I opened the vent which led me inside the bank but no lights were on except for the storage room to where they kept all the money inside and the vault lock was open, one of the criminals ran towards from behind me and tried attacking me with the baseball bat which he carried however before he can reach close enough to take a swing at me I jumped up on top of him and landed behind him and before he could turn around I swing my bow down across his legs making him fall down on his back and lastly to do some damage to him I punched powerfully across his face which caused him to pass out. The lightbulb inside the vault shattered into pieces as if something hit it, no lights whatsoever was inside the whole bank however I had no trouble still seeing however behind me another one of the thugs tried attacking me but this time with a gun but the gun made a slight noise as of it were shaking from the guys hands who himself was shaking of how afraid he was however I'd gotten out an arrow and aimed on my bow across him and shot the arrow but arrow could not reach him as Flash had once again interfered tonight, I glared but From the ceiling of the bank Batman himself dropped on top of Flash causing him to fall on the ground too.
I aimed a bow on my arrow but this bow was different then most bows as it was round on the tip instead of a arrow-head, yet inside this small round tip included a gas air which can make anyone pass out inside the room... Even Superman but before I shot the arrow I'd told Flash to take himself and Batman outside the whole building as the criminals were still inside the bank, Batman ran outside the bank of Gotham City though Flash more like disappeared out the building and as they both done so I released the arrow on the ceiling of the bank which stuck to the ceiling as if it was like a magnet but last thing I forgot to mention about the arrow is it will actually stick to the target that it hits, the gas started to puff out the arrow but ad fast as I could I ran outside the bank before I pass out or even worse... Dying of suffocation, outside the bank the two other members of the Justice League, Superman and Green Lantern once again tracked me.

Superman: Batman you're alive ?

Batman: don't sound so surprised

Green Lantern had interrupted the two and asked if I was alright and if Batman was too

Me: Yeah I'm fine

Batman: 'he looked cross at Green Lantern' no need to worry about me

Superman: Actually Batman the point is that you need to explain why you would fake your death 'Superman's voice got angry and a little impatient from the looks of it'

Me: GODDAMN IT just stop, did you ever think maybe he wanted a one day break or two days and who are you to want an explanation to everything ? 'I said looking at Superman however I too got a little angry though not from Batman

Superman: Stay outta this... Kid 'he said to me though he wasn't looking at me and at Batman'

Batman: HE IS NOT A KID 'Batman stated angrily and raised his deep voice at Superman whilst standing close to him as if he was about to hit Superman. Flash and Green Lantern looked at Batman though their expression explained they were surprised'

'After a few minutes of silence Green Lantern got to the question that included me maybe joining the Justice League' so is Green Arrow gonna be joining the Justice League ? 'He looked at Superman as he let out a short sigh'

Superman: That's why we are here, isn't it ? 'Superman looked at me as Batman looked at Superman and so did the other two

Batman: When did youse decide Green Arrow was gonna be joining the League ? And why wasn't I informed of this 'he looked at Superman pointing his question to Superman'

Superman: Well since you were too busy playing dead me and the League back at Mount Justice

Me: So like umm do you have to go in a special airplane or something because I already have an airplane ?

Superman: Tomorrow we will come to you and we will lead you the way however if you want to take your own plane you can though our one is bigger and stronger

Me: I'll mange.

'Green Lantern smiled and was happy as he let out his hand to shake mine, I raised my hand a little and shook his hand' Welcome to the Justice League, Green Arrow

Green Arrow (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now