One Plan: Page 2 (Continuence)

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11:00 PM


The Glades/Starling City

One Plan...Cities burn to Ashes.

*My eyes were beginning to slightly open with a painful blurry sight, my body leaned upside down tightly in the car as I hesitated to breathe. Drops of blood fell down from my left hand which was hanging down, my eyesight was beginning to only become a slight clearer then it was but not clear enough to see the surroundings around me...*

Five Years Ago...

'A man by the name of Slade Wilson taught me everything I ever needed to be taught about fighting to surviving and even to hunting. I left him on that island unable to get him out with me because I had my one chance to leave but besides of staying with the person who taught me everything I left him for my sake when he taught me everything for my sake... And in the end I'm the reason he died but I'm also the reason he only had one eye...'


*I struggled to get out of the car because the door seemed jammed at first so I now turned sideways in the car seat I was on and with my right leg faced towards the door I pushed my leg and kicked the door causing it to break off, I'd released a groan when I left the car and stood up. I aimed to open the back door yet as I tried opening it, the door broke off completely but I hadn't waisted any time and pulled Roy out of the car whom was still passed out but thankfully just I was about to get to Bruce he'd already broke his door off and pulled himself out.

I fixed up my hood and covered my face however Bruce was the real problem, his mask was half broken causing half his face to show, furthermore he was about to press the black button which would order the Batpod to arrive to his location however it seemed the utility belt itself was dysfunctional...

Surprisingly I forgot about my earpiece until it started to send a signal to someone that's trying to contact me, it turns out Superman and the League are about to come to find us. For the time being I looked inside the smashed car for my bow and quiver which was full of arrows, I focused on looking at the backseat seeing it was the place I put it however I was only able to find the quiver which was missing a few arrows so I kept looking until I found my bow, I'd grabbed it only to see that my bow was snapped. My eyes widened as I thought to myself what the hell is truly happening to Starling City*

Green Lantern: Looking for a new bow I guess and some more arrows ? *He got down to the ground as he was before above me while he was holding with him the Japanese archery bow. A 30 kilogram green painted bow and Japanese black bamboo sharp arrows 97.5 centimetres long. On the sides of the bow it had Japanese writing which when I looked at it translated as 'The Longbow Hunter-Shado*


She is the daughter of the late Yao Fei. She was also one of my former mentors. She had a tattoo of a dragon on the top left of her back, sharing this with me after meeting her. She was used as leverage by Edward towards Yao Fei, in order to make him join Edward's cause, until Slade and I rescued her. She is the one who taught me archery and Mandarin Chinese. We also had a relationship but knew that this relation will not affect us while we were on the island. Her skills as an archer was the most incredible thing I'd seen as she never missed her target whatsoever.

Starling City. 12:00 AM

*Green Lantern handed over to me the bow and arrows, with both hands I took them and put the arrows into my quiver which was half-filled with my own arrows. Roy who was sat down on the sidewalk of the road woke up only to see the official members of the Justice League, at first he thought he was dreaming or was just seeing things but then he woke up completely and the moment he did his eyes widened and to himself he'd said 'WHOA', I looked back at him and helped him up with my right hand and grabbed him up from the ground. Dark clouds were starting to take over the blue clouds and the sun, rain poured down suddenly on all of us*

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