Demon's Head

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11:00 pm Starling City


*The subway station of Starling City was companied with new vigilante archer while he was fighting a group of street thugs that are now unfortunately caught by him but finally after he finished attacking the last member of the group I appeared behind him as I was holding my bow and aiming my arrow at him but seeing he didn't hear me behind him I'd told him to turn around but my voice was controlled by my voice filter also as he turned around he aimed an arrow on his bow as quick as he can but before he can do so I knocked the bow from his hand as the bow went down with it too, shocked and scared he raised his hands in the air a sign he'd gave up, I put away my away into my quiver and lowered my bow I had grabbed him by the neck and pushed him onto the wall that was behind him though I wasn't able to see his face because he's red hood seemed to be covering his face I pulled his hood off, finally seeing his face as I realized he was a citizen of the glades but he's eyes were filled by fear that was causing his heart to beat quickly but feeling sorry for him I released him however I still needed to ask him questions just like Hal said I should and so he stood there not moving till I told him he can leave*

Me: WHO ARE YOU *I said in a loud and angry voice to scare him*

Red Arrow: look my name is Roy... *He stuttered* Roy Harper, citizen of Star City from the glades

Me: You are a teenager so why are you doing this ? *I said a bit calmly now not trying to scare him too much*

Roy Harper: Look I saw my father die while saving members of a Navajo reservation during a major fire... I was only just 6 years old, I know you think I'm doing this just for nothing for the fun part but I promise I only do this because I wanna make things right. *He looked at me and seemed a bit more calm then he was before* you don't understand how lonely it is to be by myself

Me: *I took a long frustrated sigh and looked at him as I glared lightly at him but he wasn't able to see my face* I understand feeling lonely and I understand you wanna make things right but that doesn't give you the right to the kill people.

Roy Harper: So why do you do it ? *he said seriously and seemed more focused*

Me: *I groaned and seemed even more frustrated from that question but I knew I couldn't answer that question* look you can help me... Be my eyes and ears of the Glades and Star City

Roy Harper: But how do I contact you ?

Me: *I had handed him a small USB looking phone which only had one button which was to contact my phone but these sorta phones were customized by me and only me* press the one green button and it will automatically call mine

Roy Harper: Thanks...

Me: One more question before I leave, why be like me ?

Roy Harper: you inspired me... Honestly at first I thought you were a threat but then you inspired me to do this

Me: I see *and by the blink he had I'd already left the train station before he can actually see where I went*

/Back at Mount Justice, 11:45 pm/

*I released a long relieving sigh and took my suit off as I had a shirt and pants under the suit itself but as I arrived back most of the members were asleep as they didn't have a late mission today accept Superman who stayed up and caught me returning from Star City, he looked at me and gave me a sign that he'd wanted to speak with me so I'd walked to him and sat down on the couch of the lounge

Superman: Where did you go ?

Me: Out

Superman: Out where ?

Green Arrow (book 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora