E. 1

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     Years later...
   (Also, there will be a small size make-out scene but not something too sexual.)

Tyler shrieks loudly, giggling when MJ kept going peek-a-boo.
     I look around to see Annie drawing and smiling at her twin and her baby brother. I got down on knees next to her, she smiles at me.
   "What are you drawing?" Annie looks up at me, blushing a bright pink, she turns the paper to show me. The picture is messy but I know what she is drawing, I smile at her.
      "It's pretty."

Silence took over again, I just watch Annie drawing and hear Tyler's little giggles.

I hum in response, my eyes slightly closing but I wake up immediately.

     "Was daddy mean you when you two were young? My friend's mom left her dad because her dad was mean to them." A slight frown appears on her face, I fix her little curl so it wouldn't bother her while drawing.
     "Your dad was mean to me." I tell her which makes her frown deeply, she stares at me.

     "Hm... How do I explain it?" I whisper to myself, memories come to me and I realize what we both did wrong during that time. "Well, your dad and I were best friends and that's all. I liked his father and your dad... He's another story that I can't tell--"

   "Why?" She cuts me off.

"That's his job," I answer her, "your dad and I were great in the beginning but things changed later on to the point that we both went separate ways for a while. Just so you know, I liked your dad during that time but couldn't confess to him because he was the very first guy I felt he could change me but unfortunately, that didn't happen."

   "What happen?"

"Your dad got a girlfriend and I...well...I stayed by myself for a while, we lost contact for a while until he contacted me again and he wanted us to be friends again--"

    "Did you?" I shake my head, "why?"

   "Because I went to the Army. I felt lonely after your dad left me so one day, your grandpa took out things when I was a kid and there I realized that my dream was to join the Army. Your dad contacted me and I rejected being friends with him because I knew he wasn't going to like it, and when he found out by me the reason, he went crazy."

I continue, "not the happy one, he yelled and said mean things to me, however I wasn't going to break down for him so I officially got my things and went to training, immediately after that, I was sent across the world to join other soldiers fighting."

  "What did daddy do? Did you two talk?"

   I shrug to the first question, I really didn't know that answer because French never told me and I never asked him. "I don't know what your dad did when I left, and no we didn't talk until after a year. During that time, I was honestly thinking about being with someone else but couldn't because I still liked your dad."

   "I want to ask him..." She murmurs, slowly processing every word, she stares at me once again. "You were going to be with someone else?"

  She seems so shocked because of this. I laugh softly at her facial expression, I nod slowly.
    "A guy named Mike, we were friends when we were kids but things changed. When I was gone, Mike contacted me a lot and I felt like he could love me but it didn't matter because I liked your dad so much more. Sadly, Mike passed away and that's why we named your brother MJ."

   "Mike Junior..." She murmurs, awed by the story behind her twin brother's name. I look at the time, oh I have to go take some food to French. I got up quickly, "we're going to visit your dad, hurry and put a jacket on since its cold."

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