It's not good

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Chapter Twelve.

Honestly, I don't know what I did wrong. When I went to see Jupiter after the whole wanna have sex? Thing, she was calm and quiet the next day. Then, I went to go see her again but her parents didn't let me see her, they said something about her being sick and needing to rest.
I did call her that night and she said she was sick, so I thought, oh she won't go to school tomorrow and she didn't.

Honestly, it was weird for me to actually pay attention to a girl. I usually don't care but here I was worrying about Jupiter, a girl.
"There is a party, wanna go?"

"No." I scroll down my notifications to see if Jupiter had messaged me but she hasn't, I sigh and look up at my dad. My friend, Henry, groans loudly. "I haven't gotten a girl in like almost a week."

"Go by yourself, I'm busy."

A humorless laugh comes from him, "with what? A girl?...oh right, what's with you and that freak?" Freak? Freak. He better not be talking about Jupiter, "what freak?"

A guy in front of us hands us a paper that we have to do, I find my pencil in pocket and start doing my work. Henry makes a pout which makes my stomach churn, I decide to keep working since he can't even talk.
Another paper comes by which makes me frown, is my dad really trying to make us work? He always does.

"That girl with big round glasses...she has wild hair and she's really really ugly."

I stop writing to look up at the board, staring at the board. Ugly? I never thought about that because it really didn't matter to me. She does have wild hair that goes everywhere but I actually like her hair and those glasses go with her big brown eyes. "What's with you and her anyways? Are you two sex buddies now?"

My hand grips tightly on my pencil. "No." I mumble.

"Like is she really good? You should introduce her to me. She does have a nice body but those huge glasses and wild hair make her look ugly, also she probably needs makeup...I love girls in makeup."

"Shut up."

"Why?" He asks, "Adam, remember our code? You eat the main meal and I get the leftovers, I love the leftovers because I find more things..." The pencil breaks from how tight I gripped on it, I look down at my paper.

Does it ever happen to you when you're having thoughts and you somehow end up writing them down?
           That's what just happen.

Idiotic bastard.

I wrote that. "Why are you getting mad about me talking about that freak?"

   "She has a name."

"Yeah..." He bursts out laughing, "Feisty Freak."

I push my chair back immediately and pull him up by his collar, he is shorter than me so I had to lift him up. "Say that one more time and I'll kill you."

  "Dude," he scoffs, "are you seriously getting mad because I don't know her name? Nobody knows her name."

  "Adam." I hear my dad calling me, my grip doesn't let go of him. "She has a name. If I ever hear you or anyone else call her that, I will slit your throat." He laughs again, almost enjoying this which infuriates me the most. "No you won't, we've been friends since middle school, you're standing up for someone you barely met."

"I would choose her over you or anyone else. Fuck you, Henry." I let him go and sit down again, my dad immediately orders me to go out of the classroom which I do.
     All I do is walking back and forth, lightly kick the lockers and look around.

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