Wanna have...?

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Chapter Eleven.

My dad leans on my mom's bed, she seems to be sleeping after the whole tests that the doctors took of her. They said it would be slightly hard for her and the baby because of the stress, I let out a sigh.
"Go home and rest."

"You should go home and rest. Now, you only go to school and come back to the hospital, you look like you haven't slept for days." He doesn't say anything, my mom slightly moves and groans because of the pain.
"How is Jupiter?" My dad asks, I shrug.

I really don't know--I mean, she never actually shows emotions which is weird. Usually some girls do but she doesn't at all, she doesn't talk much about herself which is also weird. "Okay, I guess."

He hums, I get up and stretch a little. Maybe I should text her, I grab my phone to see a new message I got. "I'm going to take a break actually." I walk to the door, my dad nods and waves his hand in dismal.

I need a good break actually, I need sex. It wouldn't be bad right now, right? I think not.

I fix my shirt, I feel arms going around my torso. I stand up immediately, grabbing my pants. "You don't like to cuddle, do you?"

"It's stupid." I reply, the girl-who-messaged me earlier grabs a pillow to cover herself. "You didn't go to Kyley's party, why?"

"I was busy, something way more important than going to a party."

She begins whining about me never coming to her house anymore which makes me sick to meet her parents, she's been single for about a year and I don't blame the guys who leave her, she's too pushy. Jupiter was right when she said her family was the first family I ever met and that's because I take our friendship serious.

Jupiter doesn't bow down to me, she doesn't care if she hurts my feelings, she is honest and she actually knows when to stop. When I leave, she never asks me if it's for a girl or anything, she justs says goodbye and that's all.
And I can't believe I'm actually thinking about her right now. A brief smile appears on my face, I put my shoes on.

"Why are you smiling? You never smile." The smile goes away immediately, glaring at the girl. "That's because there is nothing to smile about when I'm near you or any other girl." She rolls her eyes,actually I'm going to say something else.

"And don't be spreading rumors that we're dating because we're not," I open the door to her room, getting ready to leave, "between you and me, there will only be sex and that's all. If you want love, find in another guy because you won't find it in me."

"French!" She screeches. Before I slam the door, I tell her, "I hate it when people call me that, only one person can call me that and it's not you." I slam the door shut, walking down her lonely hall to the front door. I hear her screaming my name, I look at her window to see her opening it.

"You're going to regret it! You'll never find someone as good as me." That's not true, there is way better girls than a seventeen year old. I notice kids were staring at her, "you should keep it PG for the little ones!" I yell back, she looks down at her naked body and screams bloody.
A lazy smirk appears on my face, I'm actually hungry.

I start driving to Jupiter's house, I decide to call her.

"Bonjour." She answers, I smile immediately. "Hey, Jups, wanna go out and eat?"
"No." She answers, I frown at how fast she answered. "Why? Do you want me to get you something and take it to your house?"

"That sounds nice." I burst out laughing at how she said that, at first she answered angrily and now she sounds all happy.

"Ha! I beat you once again, old man!" She cheers, I hear her dad groaning in disappointment. Her family is very different, they don't act like she's the daughter and they're the parents, they act like siblings and argue a lot. I realized that her and her dad had a weird relationship, they were always rude and sarcastic to each other but it was the way they got along but Jupiter is so careful with her mom and acts like if she says something wrong, her mom will break and so goes with her mom to her.

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