'Til Death Do Us Part

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[Author's Note: Hey, guys! So I know it's been FOREVER since I posted a chapter of TDSoF, and I'm sorry for that. For awhile it was bcause I didn't know what to do, then it was because I didn't have internet, then it was because I still had no clue what I wanted to do, and then it was because I started a new story for Nanowrimo and have been working on that. As of right now, I'm going to be working on both, so it may be a week or so before I get another chapter up, but it hopefully won't be any longer than that! Hopefully this will tide you all over for now, and hopefully you'll forgive me for taking SO long!

Again, thank you ALL for your devotion to my story. I appreciate it SO much more than you know.

Dedicated to my best friend, Sydney, because of the ending. If I could dedicate it to multiple people, it would go out to mariposa99 for being so amazing and for all her hard work with covers and being there to bounce ideas off of, to my friend Gilbert for showing me new things and making one of his friends and teachers read my work, and to DuhILoveYou for being so amazingly supportive.

Thanks, guys.]

|~~~~*AUTHOR'S NOTE UPDATE: So I just came to a relatively important decision. Because of the way this chapter wrapped up while I was writing it, I've decided - albeit tentatively - to make this the FINAL CHAPTER of The Dark Side of Family. Thank you all for your devotion, and enjoy Chapter 38.*~~~~|


They all stood in silent awe, wondering what their next move would be. Wondering if the hybrid baby were dead, or if it had somehow survived to bring the apocalypse down upon them.

Isaac inhaled, looking crestfallen as he watched Satanail. “So you can’t track her…and now we have to rely upon Aradia’s sliver of a chance of creating a new locator spell.”

“Unless you want to give Patrick the opportunity to try and track her, but the problem with that is…even if he can track her, we can’t trust him to help. Not without something in return…or without him trying to escape,” Lexie said.

“You’re overlooking what I think is our best option,” Satanail said.

“What’s that?” Isaac asked, hope sparking in his eyes.

“Sathariel,” Satanail replied simply.

“Why would Sathariel have a connection to Kylie?” Adrianna retorted.

Sathariel glared at Satanail, his near-black eyes spitting fire.

Satanail sighed, and instead of having the same debate he’d had with Sathariel earlier about his feelings for Kylie, he went for simplicity…and vagueness. “He knows her, doesn’t he? He may as well try…it would be dumb not to and immediately fall back on Patrick, who we’re sure we cannot trust.”

“Frankly, we were sure we couldn’t trust you, too,” Adrianna said.

“That isn’t exactly true,” Lexie said.

“Satanail risked a lot to warn Kylie about the baby,” Isaac said. “Even if we don’t believe we can trust him with other things, I never doubted trusting him with Kylie,” he finished, staring hard at Adrianna.

“I’m flattered.” Satanail said. “Now, can we get back to what’s important? We need to find Kylie.”

“Will you try, Sathariel? If you can’t track her, we’ll have to resort to Patrick trying to,” Isaac pleaded.

“Fine,” Sathariel retorted in exasperation. His wings unfurled from his back, and he closed his eyes, focusing on his crystalline memory of Kylie. He pulled at the threads, unraveling his memories of her, unraveling any possible connection he could have to her. Unraveling the fabric of time.

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