Spitting Image

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[Quick Author's Note: Hey, guys. Sorry for the delay - I had an exceptionally busy weekend followed by my Psychology midterm on Monday. I genuinely hope you enjoy this chapter - please feel free to let me know what you think!

Again, I appreciate all the support that you, my wonderful readers, have been showing me.]


Kylie was furious again. She didn't trust Spencer - she didn't trust him as far as she could throw him. He'd had the audacity to kill Blain - the audacity to kidnap her - and he still expected her to trust him? That was really rich. She snorted.

"What?" Spencer asked, looking at her curiously.

"Nothing," she said testily.

"Back to monosyllabic answers, are we, Kylie?"


"Fine, be that way," he said, rolling his eyes and turning on the radio. "We're almost there, by the way," he said. "Just in case you're curious."

She didn't care if they were almost there - that simply meant they were getting further and further away from where she wanted to be. She was sure Spencer could be a decent human being - he had seem incredibly concerned about her when she'd woken up - but right now she just hated him. She hated him for being so obnoxiously self-assured. She hated him for knowing so much about her; she hated him for being so attractive and knowing it. She hated him for assuming she'd trust him - assuming she'd like him. Most of all, though, she hated him for killing Blain.

It wasn't easy for her to control the tears that threatened to overwhelm her, but she tried. She refused to cry in front of this brute. Okay, so maybe he's not a brute, she mentally corrected herself. He's still a prick, though.

Turning her head to look out her window, she leaned her forehead against it. She didn't really know where they were, but it was beautiful here - they were surrounded by trees  whose leaves were crimson, burnished gold, and rust-colored orange. She loved fall - she always had; it was so surreal, so unassumingly beautiful. It truly was beautiful here, the sun filtering through the trees, creating a picture perfect image that belied the emotional turmoil of the day. Under any other circumstances, she'd have loved to drive through this area. Under any other circumstances, she'd probably have brefriended Spencer.

"Kylie?" Spencer said, rousing her from her thoughts as he pulled into a driveway. The house was nestled in the middle of a clearing, surrounded by trees. It was all log and glass, and completely gorgeous. "We're here."

"Where's here?"

"My house."

"This is your house?" she said quietly, looking at him wide-eyed.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" he asked, cutting his eyes at her curiously.

"Because I am surprised! This place...it's..." she said, trailing off because she couldn't find the words.

"It's what?"

"Breath-taking," she whispered.

"Well, thanks," he said.

"Uh huh..." she responded, only half paying attention to him as she stared, awestruck, at the house. It really was beautiful.

"Oh, Kylie," he said, shaking his head and watching her stare at the house as he turned off the engine. Unbuckling his seat-belt, he opened the door and got out of the car. Walking around the front of the car, he opened her door. "Coming?" he asked

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