3 A.M.

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[Quick Author’s Note: Hey, guys! I really hope you appreciated the last chapter, The Cabal. If there’s anything in the story thus far that you don’t understand, please let me know. I’d be more than happy to explain. Thank you so much, yet again, for reading The Dark Side of Family – I appreciate it greatly. I hope that you all find this chapter interesting – and, without further ado, let’s get into it!]


“It’s your decision, Blain – I’m not going to force you to rescue her. However, if you do, you must adhere to these stipulations. If you take her from the coven, you may rescue her from death – the two of you can never be together, though. It doesn’t just put your life at risk; it doesn’t even just put her life at risk, too. If you two remain together, the war between spell-casters and fallen angels will escalate – it will destroy the world as we know it.”

“I hear you, Andromeda. I can’t just leave her again, though – I did that once, and I promised her that I’d never do it again. I’m sure there is some way that she and I can be together that won’t put anyone else at stake.”

“There isn’t, Blain. If you stay together, you throw the world out of balance. Kylie’s powers are fearsome – if you two had children and her abilities combined with those of the fallen angels, it would create a new super-race that could wreak havoc upon the world. No one is going to let that happen, Blain, and you know it.”

He sighed. It was hard to argue with Andromeda’s logic, because he knew she was right. If the fallen angels or spell-casters didn’t tear he and Kylie apart to prevent a new race from being created, the heavens would. It would be far easier, after all, to destroy one couple than to try to eradicate the race after it had already begun. Better to nip it in the bud, according to the archangels – the hell of it is, though, that they’re right.

“So what will it be, Blain? Save her, or let her fend for herself?”

“I’m not going to leave her there to be killed, Andromeda. You knew that from the beginning – that’s why you approached me with this information. You knew what my answer would be, and you knew it would stay the same no matter what ultimatum you offered me.”

Smiling slyly, Andromeda winked at Blain. “You can’t blame a girl for trying, now, can you? Besides, it’s really for your own good, too – not to mention Kylie’s. I’m not only looking out for myself…it just happens to be a perk.”

“I’m sure it is,” he said skeptically.

“My wounded heart,” Andromeda gasped, placing her hand over her chest and looking at Blain like he’d just slapped her.

“Stop being so damned melodramatic, Romy. It isn’t like you, and it certainly isn’t flattering.”

“Fine, Blain,” she said, sighing. “You’re no fun today, you know that?”

“Sorry,” he said sarcastically. “I’m just a little worried, you see.”

“So stop worrying. Either let it go and get over it, or do something about it. The choice is your’s.”

“I’ll do it, Andromeda. I’ll get her out of that coven…and then I’ll come with you. Wherever you want to go, I’ll go with you.”

“That’s exactly what I was hoping you’d say, Blain,” Andromeda said, smiling at him.


Kylie bolted upright, legs tangled in the sheets, quilt thrown off the bed. Looking at the clock, she noted it was 3 a.m. – she’d only been asleep a couple of hours. Groaning, she collapsed back onto the pillows and stared at the ceiling above her. She’d been dreaming that she and Blain were making a passionate love and he had suddenly morphed into Spencer straining above her.

The Dark Side of Family (The Dark Side, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now