Wake Up Call

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[Quick Author's Note: Hey, guys. So, I'm a terrible person, I know. I'm sorry it has been...well, over a month, I think, since I last posted a chapter. I've pretty much been in hell between writer's block, final essays and projects for classes, and exams. I've been chipping away slowly at this chapter for at least two weeks now, I think...and it just hasn't been coming together. It is still really short compared to the last few, but it will have to do. Definitely not my best work - in fact, it may be my worst. But, I'm going home for the summer tomorrow, and we don't actually have internet. So, I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update over the summer, but I promise I'll try. I hope this chapter is at least tolerable. :)

Dedicated to mariposa99, because even if it is a pretty bad example of my work, I think what happens will make her pretty happy.

...And without further ado, on to Chapter 37!]


Axton and Talia sat together in the café. Axton watched her carefully, and he noticed that every couple of minutes her eyes drifted towards the table with the green-eyed couple.

"Ex?" Axton asked.

"What?" Talia asked, her attention returning to the incubus.

"The guy you keep staring at. Is he an ex of yours?"

"A future, actually. He's my target. His father just died, and therefore he - Kale - is incredibly wealthy. I'm what you could call a headhunter. My entire clan lures men, obviously, but I'm assigned specific targets...and I use them to make my entire clan more comfortable."

"A clan of succubae? That sounds unpleasant, and yet still tempting."

"So, exactly what are we going to do, anyway?"

"About what?" Axton questioned.

"This. Our races aren't exactly on friendly terms."

"Quite frankly, I'm not allied with my race. I'm not really on friendly terms with them, either, so I see no reason for me to take up their grievances with you. Unless, of course, you feel the need to."

"I've never been one to play by the rules. I don't mind playing nice."

"Excellent. Now, with that settled...how are you planning to get the guy with her in your way? You're gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but so is she. She could present a problem, even for you."

"They aren't a couple...at least not yet. She's a stray he picked up. She was half frozen on the side of the road when he was driving up from California, and he picked her up and brought her to town with him."

"Not a couple? Well, then. Maybe I can be of help."

"Oh? Talia asked, her interest piqued.

"Sure," Axton said, smiling angelically. "She's a pretty girl...I like pretty girls."

"You could be a good distraction, which would give me time to introduce myself to Kale."

"I could be."

"Can I trust you, though?" Talia asked, her eyes assessing him.

"Well, I'm not about to swipe the guy out from underneath you...incubi aren't really fond of males."

"Ah, incubi are picky, are they? Succubae will go either way, we really don't care. A source is a source, for most of us."

"So?" Axton said. "What will it be? Team effort, or are you going to fly solo?"

"I'm fine with team effort. I have one thing to tell you first, though..."

"And what's that?" Axton asked, his mind already on the mission.

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