Strangers and Mistakes

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[Quick Author's Note: Hey, guys! I really hope you enjoy this installation of The Dark Side of Family. Never fear, there is more to come yet. I promise I'll try to keep it interesting. :)

If you like the story, please keep reading - if you think it's deserving, vote! If you absolutely love it, I encourage you to add it to your library.

Thanks so much for sticking this story out - I appreciate it. Leave me comments, guys - I love to hear from you!]


Spencer could sense her energy - it crackled in the air around him, desperate to be noticed. Finally, she had fully awakened. Her magic crackled in the atmosphere - it would have been imperceivable to anyone who hadn't been in tune with her for years. Spencer had been, though - he could sense her, no matter how far away they were.

The distance wasn't about to last long, though. He's been so closely tuned to her for years that the vision she saw, he had also seen. It troubled him greatly.

"Where are you going, Spencer?" came a voice from behind him. Turning, he saw his sister Adrianna watching him curiously. When he didn't answer, she repeated her question.

"Hunting," he said curtly.

"You have to pack to go hunting?"

"I do when it means going to Boston to save Kylie."

"Why are you going to Boston to save Kylie?" she asked at length.

"Because, Adrianna. She's finally come into her full powers...and is in the hands of a fallen angel."

"Let me come with you."

"No, Adri. It's far too dangerous."

"The last time you went hunting alone you wound up with that scar," she reminded him, pointing to the angry scar that ran from his left temple, curving to end at the bottom of his cheekbone."

"I know what happened the last time I went hunting fallen angels alone, Adrianna. I was there, remember?" he said in frustration.

"I know...," she said, looking at the ground. "Take me with you, Spence. Please. I want to help."

"I can't put you at risk like that - I can't put Kylie at risk like that. The more of us there are, the easier it will be to spook him. If he's spooked, he could take off with her in tow again."

"Why are you so obsessed with her?!" Adrianna shouted, looking at her brother angrily. "You've never even met the girl! She's still a child!"

"No, she isn't," he said darkly, his gray eyes turning stormy.

"So what, she turned eighteen today - she's still a child! She'll be a liability, not an asset. There's no possible way she knows how to use her powers yet."

"Actually, I suspect she'll figure it out quite quickly. You don't give her nearly enough credit."

"No - you just give her far too much credit."

"Enough, Adrianna!" he said emphatically. "I'm not leaving her in the hands of that vile creature - I won't abandon her that way, whether you like it or not."

"Damn you, why do you have to be so unbearably stubborn?"

"My being so unbearably stubborn has saved your unbearably reckless ass on more than one occassion, sister. Don't forget that fact," he growled.

"Fine. Go after her! You're a fool to think she'll go quietly, but do whatever you want. It's not like you ever listen, anyways."

"You're right," he said. "I don't."

The Dark Side of Family (The Dark Side, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now