Long Gone

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[Quick Author's Note: Hey, guys. I just wanted to apologize for how long it's been since I've posted on this story! It's been ridiculously busy, between regular school work, midterms, Thanksgiving at home, getting back to dorm, and having two essays to write. Thanks so much for being so patient with me, guys - I really appreciate it! This one's for you worriers ;-) - I hope you enjoy it!]


Blain slowly came to, wondering what the hell had happened - being unconscious was becoming a habit, it seemed, and he sure as hell didn't like it. Almost instantaneously he remembered what had happened; he remembered that he and Kylie were in grave danger. Springing up, Blain looked around, preparing to guard himself, protect Kylie, or annihilate the threat - preparing to do whatever he had to do.

"What the hell?" Blain said, confusion setting in. Kylie, nor their attacker, was anywhere to be found. Panicking, he searched the house three times over and came up with absolutely nothing. She was gone. Long gone, he suspected, when he looked at the clock - he'd been unconscious for three hours. Distraught, Blain thought back to the incident - he hadn't recognized the stranger who had waltz into his house, but he had obviously been a wizard. What nagged at the back of Blain's mind, though, was this: how had the unnamed wizard known where to find them...and what did he want with Kylie?

Furious, Blain paced across the livingroom floor. He'd seen the supernova coming for him - it was too late to move, and even if he'd wanted to, the wizard had magically pinned him. He hadn't been able to move - he hadn't been able to talk. He was sure he'd been doomed, and then Kylie had dove on top of him. Blain had heard the wizard yell at her to move, but she didn't budge - he watching it coming in slow motion, though he knew it couldn't actually be moving that slowly. He tried to mentally urge Kylie off of him - he hadn't wanted her to sacrifice herself in an attempt to save him. What astounded him now was the fact he was alive - alive and unharmed, as a matter of fact. It seemed impossible - it was impossible.

"Where the hell could he have taken her?" Blain muttered, talking to himself as he paced the floor and ran his fingers through his obsidian hair in frustration. "Why did he take her?"

"Blain..." said a feminine, husky voice from behind him, beckoning him to turn.

Spinning on his heels, Blain came face to face with Andromeda. She was an angel whom Blain had become relatively close to - she was one of the few who made an effort to befriend him. The only problem with Andromeda, though, was that she was in love with him. She accepted that he didn't love her back because of Kylie, but she still resented it, although she'd tried hard to hide it. "Andromeda, what are you doing here? They'll strip you of your wings, too, for socializing with me."

"They can do what the will, Blain - I wasn't going to abandon you. I've been keeping an eye on you, waiting to see if you needed help - needed heavenly intervention. Currently, you do."

"What do you mean, Romy?" he asked skeptically, eyeing her curiously.

"I can tell you who took her. Most importantly, though, I can tell you where he took her."


"Kylie, this is Isaac. Isaac, this is your daughter," Spencer said quietly, looking from Kylie to Isaac, then back to Kylie. They couldn't take their eyes off each other - Kylie looked simultaneously fascinated and horrified, and Isaac looked astounded.

"Kylie, I..." Isaac said, taking a step forward and reaching out his hand. Kylie flinched away from his touch, and he slowly lowered it, looking as though she'd just struck him. "I'm sorry," he said, "It's just...I've been waiting to meet you for eighteen years, Kylie. This is...the only thing I've wanted for such a long time now."

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