Chapter Twelve: Pieces of The Puzzle

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I was out for brunch with Karine and Chris. It was weird for me. I stayed quiet most of the time, eating my crepe stuffed with diced fruit and some sweet creme.

I reached out for my coffee and Chris snatched it away.

I glanced up at him, raising an eyebrow.

"You have your own, gimme my coffee." I sighed.

"Nahh b. Gimme gimme neva gets." He laughed and places the mug at the other end of the table.

I rolled my eyes and shoved a piece of my crepe into my mouth. I chewed with my mouth wide open and made annoying and very exaggerated chewing sounds.

Chris made a face at me and fake gagged.

"Ya lil nasty, take ya damn coffee." He shoved the mug to me.

I swallowed my food and smiled. "Merci, ma petite merde."

That's french for my little shit.

"Hon hon hon, croissant to you too, fam" he mumbled.

Karine giggled and finished off her last waffle in about two bites.

"Back to what I was saying, while princess Dalia was over here snoozing... I just dont get how they're still together? The bitch fucked another guy and he has proof! Why isn't he running after my girl now?" She was waving her fork around as she spoke, giving me no other choice but to keep dodging to the side as to not get forked in the eye.

"Like... everyone's seen her pussy now. Sooner or later she's going to have a sex tape leaked," Karine mumbled then gasped.

"Oh my god! Maybe there is one and its just not leaked yet? Do you think thats possible? Oooooh this is gonna be great!" She squealed, bouncing in her seat.

I had my eyebrows raised as I watched her. This girl lived for drama. I was surprised she didn't have her own reality TV show.

I turned my attention to Chris, who was playing with his food. He seemed tense. He caught me staring at him and I didn't look away.

"I heard Ty called you?" He asked me, changing the topic quickly.

I nibbled on my lower lip as I kept my eyes on him. I didn't look away once or blink. My gaze was burning him, I could feel it.

"Who sent the picture?" I asked, bringing us back to the topic.

Chris had already looked away from me and I saw the slight change in his facial expression when I asked that.

"I wish I knew. I'd buy the guy a damn Rolex for fucking Kylie and exposing her for being the hoe that she is," Karine said before calling over the waitress.

"Can you bring me another round of waffles? With a glass of skim milk?" The waitress nodded and ran away quickly.

"I mean at the same time, I feel bad for Ty for getting cheated on. But at least he sees her true colours now? Right? Besides, Kylie likes all that attention... I wonder who it was..." Karine rambled on and on. Meanwhile, my eyes were still on Chris.

"Chris." I spoke up, causing him to snap out of the trance he was in.

"What?" He looked back and forth from us.

"I wasn't speaking to you. I was giving K an answer." I sipped my coffee, eyeing him.

Karine let out a small scream and darted her eyes to Chris.

"Why would you just accuse someone like that, D? Apologize to him!" She demanded. She looked like she had just seen a ghost.

"Bitch, do you see him trying to deny it? Leta be honest here. Chris is a hoe," I put my hand up in Chris' face when he started to speak.

"Hold up, wait a minute, I wasn't finished." i laughed to myself. "Chris likes sex. Chris enjoys sex with multiple female partners. Chris the typa nigga that'll fuck his boys girl and not feel ashamed about himself after. Chris the typa nigga that'll pretend to be sorry for you when he hears your girl done cheated, with HIM." I titled my head at Chris.

"Dont be like Chris." I put my mug down and leaned back.

Karine frowned and looked to Chris, probably waiting for him to explain and deny it all.

As much as she hated Kylie, she loved Chris. I knew she didn't want him to be responsible for something like this. I didnt blame her.

But he didn't deny it. I was right.

"Fuck man.." he ran his hand over his face.

"Okay. It was me. Y'all happy? I fucked that bitch and sent the pictures out to all of us." He admitted quietly.

"Why?" Karine asked him, taking a sip of her almost done mango smoothie.

"'Cause a nigga can do better! She a hoe and he refused to see that. I care about my boy, y'know? Just want him to be happy and not fuck his life up. He decided to tho'..."

"You're such a fucking dumbass. Next time you want to ruin somebody else's relationship, get SOMEBODY ELSE to do it!" She yelled at him.

"Chill out, Rine. They ain't ever gonna find out its me, aiight?" He looked at each of us.

"Right?" It came out as more of a question then an answer but we both nodded.

"Im chilling. I dont even care. Just wanted you to admit it. Anyways, didnt you have a girl?" I asked him.

"Yeah but we done. She was clingy as hell and ion like that shit," he shook his head.

A plate got set down in front of Karine followed by a glass of milk.

I reached for a waffle with my fork and Karine knocked the fork out my hand, sending it flying into Chris' face poking him in the cheek.

He groaned in pain and held his cheek, glaring at her.

"What the fuck man?!"

She tucked her lips into her mouth, holding back a laugh. "Im sorry... she was trying to steal my food."

"Trying? Bitch you better give her half since you just hurt a nigga over 8$ waffles!"

I erupted into a fit of laughter and watched as childish Karine pushed her plate my way.

"Mm, thats what Im talking about... free waffles." I dug in, satisfied with how things turned out.


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