Chapter Ten: What Are Best Friends For

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"Whats up with you? You've been in your room all day," Karine asked, standing in the doorway of my room.

I was bundled up in my bed with the covers up to my chin, facing the door. I had been in bed all day because of how last night turned out.

I wasn't depressed or anything like that. Just upset. How did Kylie even find out about the date? We'd never texted about it. Then again she was the type to pry information out of anyone, if she really wanted to know.

I glanced at Karine, staying quiet which earned a loud sigh from her. She made her way over to the bed and plopped down.

"I'm guessing the date was a total fail?" She looked at me.

"There was no date. He wasn't the one that showed up at the door," I mumbled.

She made a face and fell back next to me, slinging her arm over me.

"Don't tell me... it was Kylie, huh?" She frowned when I nodded.

"Bingo. She somehow found out, came over and gave me shit. I handled it though,"

"Did he at least text you to apologize?"

"Not even. She blocked me on his phone and shit. Fuck it. It doesn't matter anyways. I just wanted to fuck him," I lifted the covers and she crawled under, cuddling me.

I found comfort in her arms. I was a bit down, but nothing that wouldn't pass soon. It was a lie that I had just wanted to fuck. I had hoped deep down that maybe we would click and something would come out of it. I hadn't had anything serious with a guy for over a year, and not that I was feeling lonely, but I missed that kind of company.

"Fucking plastic bitch. I swear, I'm gonna hit her," she rolled her eyes. "Hows he going to stay with a girl that fucked his boy and pictures of it were leaked?"

"People are fu-.." I stopped when I heard what she said. His boy had fucked Kylie? How the hell did she know that?

She widen her eyes when she realized what she said and covered her mouth. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Oh fuck. Dont say anything to anyone if I tell you, okay? I swore I wouldn't say anything," she pleaded.

This bitch. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah yeah. Just tell me which boy fucked her and why,"

She looked at me for a little while, probably thinking about lying about who it was, and finally gave me an answer.

"Chris," I gasped at her.

"What? I never would've thought! Why the fuck? But he has a girl!" I sprung up into a sitting position, never taking my eyes off her.

This was going to be hella juicy. Not that I had anyone to share this with, I didn't speak to anyone besides her really.

"I just know its because of beef they had a couple of years ago and I guess this was Chris' way of getting revenge on Ty. I know, so does she," she told me.

"He waited this long to turn on Ty?" I laughed, shaking my head. "Boys...are so weird. I'd have had my revenge the second after whatever fucking beef happened. Im meeting all the unloyal guys and its really starting to have me thinking all guys aint shit,"

"Yeah, I would've too. I guess he wanted it to be unexpected or whatever," Karine got up from the bed and put out her hand to me.

"Now come on, bitch, we gonna eat and hit the mall."

I hesitated. "I shopped enough yesterday, I'm good."

"I didn't say anything about shopping. Now come on, your nails are starting to look like they did during Birthright," she grimaced and I slapped her hand away, glaring.

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