Chapter Nine: Date Night

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A/N: Andrew (Dalia's brother) is portrayed by Lucas Coly. Only person I could find that somewhat looks like Dalia lol..

Friday came faster than I thought it would. I hadn't seen much of anyone lately, even Karine. And we were staying in the same house.

Ty and I had phoned and texted each other on and off, no mentions of the date he'd asked me out on but I assumed it was still on or else he would've said otherwise. I wondered how it would go. I mean, we wouldn't have a choice but to talk to each other. We'd never spoken that much. Things had always gotten physical when in each others presence, our mouths were too busy for us to get to know each other on the inside.

I shrugged to myself at my thoughts and sighed, looking through the options I had of dresses in front of me on the rack in the store.

Even after the crazy shopping spree me and K had gone on, I didn't have anything that was suitable to wear out on a date.

"I know I just asked, I'm sorry for bothering again, but do you need help choosing something? You've been staring at the same rack for ten minutes," the saleslady spoke from behind me.

I glanced at her. She was right. I had been staring at it for a long time. I just couldn't find anything that I liked.

"Please, yes." I shook my head. "You're not bothering me. Its fine."

She gave me a genuinely sweet smile and came over next to me.

"Great! My names Vanessa, by the way." We shook hands.

"Dalia," I replied, smiling.

"Nice to meet you. You Canadian?"

"I am, actually..." I laughed. "How'd you know?"

"You don't sound like a total bitch, for one." She laughed with me. "And I'm Canadian too, so I could tell. Anyways, what are you looking for exactly?"

"Im going on a date tonight. Not sure where. He didn't even tell me if I should dress casual or classy..." I groaned, running my fingers through my hair.

Fucking guys. Never told you shit unless you asked.

"Hm, ok. Tell me what he's like," she said.

"Kinda hood but he has money,"

She gave me a look.

"Not that kind of money. He's a rapper," I explained.

She didn't bulge and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, Vanessa," I dragged out her name. "Im freaking out over here and that look ain't helping!"

She remained quiet and quickly went to work on the rack of clothes. She shuffled through it, picking out things and tossing them into my arms.

I had a mountain of outfit choices in my arms and less than two hours to get ready till he picked me up.

I was screwed.

"I don't have time to try all of this on. Just ring me up?"

She nodded and we both rushed to the cash, where she scanned and bagged all the clothes for me.

I paid her and grabbed the bags.

"Thank you so much, Vanessa!" I turned to leave.

"Wait! Here's my number if ever you need fashion help or just want to chill," she shoved the bill into my hand, which her name and number was scribbled onto.

"Have a nice day. Come again!" She called out in a sing song voice as I left the store.

Of course I would call her to meet up. She was the first person I'd met on my own here and she was beyond nice. There was something about the vibe she gave off that was so familiar.

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