Chapter Seven: The Best Offer

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I still couldn't believe that Kylie had cheated on Tyga and that someone had leaked a picture of her naked. I know Tyga and I kissed... but that was it. We hadn't gone further than kissing and touching. Shit, it was dry touching too. That was nothing.

The party had been cut short. Everyone left right after we got sent the picture. The guys left together, and the girls did too. Karine and I spent about twenty minutes cleaning up. I left her with the vomit covered bathroom.

After bringing the boat home, we took quick showers and changed into fresh clothes.

My energy was drained, even though we hadn't done much. It took some effort, but I managed to put on some concealer to cover the circles that had appeared under my eyes.

"You hungry?" Karine asked. She was sitting on the end of her bed, brushing her wet hair.

I nodded. "Girl, I'm so hungry I feel like I havent eaten in a week."

She laughed at me. "Thats how I feel."

She tossed my the brush and I caught it. I began to brush my hair.

"Lets go to a seafood grill. Im dying for some shrimp brochettes," I groaned, yanking the brush through a knot in my hair.

"And me for some greasy calamari. Lets go," she hopped off the bed and slipped on her sandals.

I placed the brush down and grabbed my phone. I quickly put on my puma slippers and followed her out.


We got to the restaurant in fifteen minutes, thanks to Karine speeding and almost killing me.

We got seated outside on the terrasse, which was right on the water.

"Good evening, ladies. My name is Mike and I will be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?" Our waiter was hellaaaa fine. He was maybe six two, with yummy mocha skin and a buzz cut. His beard was perfectly shaped and trimmed.

I took my eyes off him for a second to look at Karine. She was leaning back in her seat, staring him over while biting her lip.

He cleared his throat and she blinked, looking up at his face.

I laughed quietly to myself.

"Im sorry. Can you repeat the question?" She smiled awkwardly.

"K, he asked if we wanted something to drink. Sorry about my friend. She had a long day," I informed Mike, our waiter.

"No worries. So about this drink?" He laughed politely. I glanced around. He had a bunch of other tables to serve, but he seemed more then happy to be putting them off by staying with us.

"A bottle of rosé would be lovely. Oh, can you bring us some ice as well?" Karine looked like she was seeing stars, her eyes were shining.

I kicked her leg under the table. She yelped and glared at me.

"What was that for?"

I shrugged and leaned back.

"Of course. I'll be right back," Mike told us before walking away from our table.

"Why'd you kick me???" She asked again.

"False accusations," I waved my finger at her, laughing. "Must've been Mikey-Mike, with his fine assss." I sighed, dreamily.

"That man was beautiful."

Karine nodded in agreement.

Not long after, Mike came back with a bottle of rosé in a bucket of wine and two wine glasses. He filled them up half way and took our order.

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