Chapter Three: The Part, Part 2

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Drake's POV

Karine and I had been in my room, on the third floor, for over an hour. I was laid back on a bunch of fluffed up pillows and she was laying against me, her arm slung over my stomach with her head resting on my chest.

We had smoked two backwoods back to back. I knew she was high out of her mind, she hadn't said a word in over twenty minutes.

That didn't bother me. I ran my fingers through her hair, which made her tighten her arm around me. She tilted her head up to look at me. Her eyes were low and bloodshot. She gave me a small smile and I returned it.

"You good, babe?" I asked.

She nodded, "Wayyy good." She giggled.

"Good," I moved my hand to her waist and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Our relationship, or friendship, whatever you want to call it, was very weird. The good kind. We had met when I first bought my house here. She was a couple of years younger, still in high school, and I had met her at a party I had. I invited everyone that lived in the gated community.

We started off as friends, we didn't see each other much. When we did, we were with others. Never thought of her as more than a friend even if she was gorgeous.

A couple of months before her birthright trip she told me she had feelings for me. I told her it was mutual, and ever since we've been closer. Not saying we're dating or anything like that. But I'm not seeing other girls. Im focusing on her and what we might be in the future.

"Anotha one?" I heard her say, in DJ Khaled's voice and I laughed.

"Whatever you want, B," I told her. She sat up and shook out her hair.

She crawled off the bed, her dress rode half way up her ass giving me a perfect view of her little treasure covered by a lace white thong.

I adjusted my position and licked my lips.

She made her way over to my bureau and got the box full of weed and papes and all that shit.

"You don wanna change outta that tight dress? Doesn't look too comfortable,"

She glanced over at me before she went over to my closet. Her back was to me. She pulled off the dress and let it fall to the floor. She grabbed the biggest shirt she could find and put it on.

She came back over to the bed, made herself comfortable and got to work on the spliff she wanted to smoke.

I sat up, grabbed the bottle of Bombay I had on my nightstand and took a swig as I watched her.


Dalia's POV

Karine had left me over a half hour ago. I didn't know anyone, so I had decided to take a few shots and socialize with the bartender. Eventually he got a bit too busy, so I left the bar with two drinks in hand.

I went into the dancing area, which I guess would be the living room if it wasn't a party. I sipped from the straws of both of the drinks and let my body move to the music.

Being alone didn't bother me. I needed my space. Ive never been much of a people person, but I wasn't gonna ignore people that spoke to me either.

"Talia, right?" I looked up. It was Kylie.

"Dalia actually," I corrected.

"Oops, sorry girl." She gave me a big smile.

"You want to come out back and play tequila pong in the pool with me and my friends? I need to introduce you to them. I just know you're gonna love them!" She beamed at me.

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