Prologue: Birthright / LA

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Dalia in the picture.

Dalia's POV

It was our last day on the birthright trip. Karine, my roommate, and I were finishing off the last of our packing. We had spent the last three weeks together and we got along as if we had known each other our entire lives. Impatient by Jeremih was blasting out of her Bluetooth Beats Pill speaker.

"I can't believe we're leaving in fifteen minutes. I feel like we just got here yesterday, I had the best time. I'm soooo glad you're coming back to LA with me!" Karine smiled brightly at me, zipping her suitcase closed.

"I know. Me too." I shoved the last of my folded clothes into my own suitcase and zipped it. I went and grabbed my carry-on.

Karine shut her speaker and put it in her Givenchy purse. She spent most of her trip complaining that she never had an occasion to use it. Well, now she did seeing as we were going back to our home countries. Not me, anyways. I was going to hers.

"Ready?" I asked. She nodded

"Lets go, hoe!" She said in a singsong voice and flew out the door.

I followed behind her laughing, looking into our room one last time before shutting the door.


Her parents had arranged for a car to pick us up at the airport at exactly 9:00pm. Our flight had landed a good fifteen minutes early, which meant we had to wait a bit longer.

I offered to go buy us some ice coffee and snacks while we waited, she waved me away with a small smile. She was sitting on the curb, her designer luggage and handbag sprawled around her, elegantly smoking a Marlboro cigarette.

I shook my head and quickly went into the packed airport to get our drinks. My hands were full when I came back out and I leaned my head down a bit to take a sip of my drink which was being held by a drink holder.

"Come on, Dal. Our rides here." I didn't even have time to blink, she was already pulling me towards a black Cadillac.

"Wait! What about my ba-" Before I could finish my sentence, she had already shoved me into the back seat.

"Harold got it. Don't you worry, pumpkin." She patted my hand and took her drink from me.

We greeted Harold, the driver, once he was in the car and off we went.

35 minutes later.

We finally arrived in Karine's neighbourhood. Scratch that. Gated community. Holy shit! This girl was way richer then she had me believing when she mentioned her wealth to me during Birthright. All of the houses we passed by were as big as the college I had gone to the previous year. The car slowed to a stop in front of one of the biggest mansions so far. This was the place Karine called home.

"Dude, this is crazy. Why didn't you say anything?" I looked over at her.

She shrugged, "Surpriseeee bitch!" We both laughed at that and got out of the car.

She lead into the house and showed me where the magic happened first (kitchen). I made myself at home and sat down on one of the bar stools that stood around an island counter.

Karine walked over by the fridge and pulled off a fluorescent green sticky note, quickly scanned it and threw it out.

"My parents said they'll be back in a couple of days and that there's a party tonight down the street. 11pm." She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"We didn't get any hot Jewish soldiers in Israel but you best believe we gon' get some yummy Los Angeles dick tonight!" She twirled around and did a little happy dance. Honestly, looking like she was trying to hold in her pee. I watched her as I sipped my Chai frappe.

"Dalia, hunny bun, I said theres a party. In an hour and a half. " She crossed her arms and stared at me.

I blinked. "Oh, fuck!" Her words finally registered and I jumped up.

"I need to shower. I smell like airport and my hair is disgusting! Lead me to the bathroom???" I was already running up the stairs, even though I had no clue where I was going.



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