Chapter 19

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Ady's pov

My head is aching. I could feel the little drums beating at my temples causing me to just shut my eyes even though I'm already awake. Grrrrrr. 😫

Do I have a fever?

But..I felt fine, well except for the constant banging in my head. Eotteokke???? I decided to stay a bit more in bed and just bury my head deeper in my big pillow.

Wuuuuaaaa~ eomma, eotteokke? Maybe I'm going to have a fever. What did I do last night? I don't remember anything that would trigger or would cause me to have this kind of headache. 😫

I pinch the pillow I'm hugging because of the pain.

"Aaaaww. hurts. " 

Ommo! My pillow talked???? 🙊

I pinch again,harder this time. "Ouch! Mwoya???"

It moved this time. 🙈

I slowly open my eyes. One eye at a time..

*blink blink*


"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I shrieked. He's sleeping beside me! And... a-and.. we're in each others arms. 😣

He got up when he heard my scream and looked around the room with his hands already in defense mode.

"Where's the thief??? " he Looked around once again then turns to me.

"Pabo! There's no thief. Why are you sleeping here? Awww. Mwoya?" I grab my head when it started banging again, I shouldn't have shouted. 😑

"Gwaenchana?" Kevin sat beside me and touched my head.

"I think I'm going to have a fever." I gently rub my temples and closed my eyes for a moment.

"Tsk. I told you not to drink, now look at you." He push my hands away from my forehead and started to give me a massage at my temples.

"Mwo??? I got drank? " I couldn't remember a thing. I looked at him and regretted doing so cause he's face was close. 😣 waeyo?

"Couldn't you remember? Jackson was your drinking buddy last night. You joined in on our man to man talk." 😑 He was still gently massaging my forehead without looking at me, giving me the freedom to look at him closely. I didn't know he's this handsome. 😓 *thump thump thump* Mwoya?? my heart beats fast again. 😣

"Ya~ Pabo. Are you listening?" He wave a hand at my face.

"Huh? Uh.. yeah. Wae?" *blush* that's what all I could say after he caught me looking at him like that. 😫

"Aye. You're not listening. I'm asking you, what happened to your arms? Why do you have red spots?" He examines my arms. I looked down at it and noticed it for the first time that morning.

"Ahh. That? I got it every time I had a drink. Its nothing." I said.


"Something like that.. hehe." I give him an eye smile when he started to frown.

"This is more than nothing Pabo. Allergies is a serious thing. Tsk... you had an allergy and yet you drink last night? What if this gets worse huh?" he's getting mad again. 😫

"Yaaaaa. Why are you getting mad? And you haven't still answered my question, why are you sleeping here? You.. y-you e..even hug me." I avoid his gaze by looking at my pillow instead.

"It was your fault Pabo." He gently push my forehead, "You won't let me go... you were like, 'Teddy... you're soooo soft' " he hug the pillow to show me what I was like. "Jackson's sleeping at the couch and look at my make shift bed.." he pointed down at the floor. I saw it, I guess that's where he planned to sleep last night.

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