Chapter 18

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Jackson's pov

I know it was my fault why she's avoiding me this past few weeks. I didn't mean it actually. But, I don't want to say sorry that I've done it.. that I kissed her.

I'm not sorry for making her feel special. She's the one I love and I want her to feel that.

Wait till I see you Kailee.. I won't let you get away again. 😞

As for now, I'm going to Kevin's apartment to have some man to man talk. Its been awhile since I had a chance to talk with my best friend without Ady butting in on what I confide to Kevin. It's not that I don't like Ady, she's like a sister to me, but I want this just to be between us men, if you know what I mean. 😎

I punch in the password to his apartment and barges in, "Keeeeviiinnnn-aahh~ can I have some of your food?" I found him in his sofa, reading one of our review books.

Its one of my reason too on why I always hang out here. He's a good cook and his kitchen is always full with foods. 😙

"Just go and help yourself. Tsk" he said without removing his concentration on what he is reading.

He's the best haha. He's now used to me going in here for food or for a talk.

I went to his kitchen and open the fridge.

"Woooaa~ spaghetti. Saranghaeyo Kevinaaaah~" I called out and heard him say eeew. 😂

I'm really hungry. I put everything on my plate, the spaghetti, the cake and some fruit that I found on the table and went back to the living room.

"Oppa~ let's make bibimbap --" Ady suddenly came out from Kevin's room. She freeze when she saw me at the sofa. Surprised was all written in our faces, well.. except for Kevin. Omo. Does this mean..? 🙊

"Wooooooaaaah~ what's the meaning of this???!" I look at Kevin then at Ady and back at Kevin again.

"Mwoya???" My face met the throw pillow that Kevin had thrown at me.

"I know what you're thinking Jackson. You're thinking wrong, ok?" He got up and went to the kitchen but went back to drag Ady with him, "You're going to help me."

"Yaaaaa! Jagganman.." I called out then followed them to the kitchen.

"Jackson Oppa... I'm here because I'm homeless for a week." Ady said sadly as she help Kevin by the counter.

"Mwo? What do you mean?" I ask while nibbling the cake.

"Nuna borrowed her apartment two days ago." Kevin started chopping the ingredients while Ady prepared all of it on the counter.

"Aigoo.." , I went to sit beside Ady by the counter and patted her head. "You poor thing.. it must be hard for you to be with him." I feed her some of the cake on my plate which she gladly accepted but I saw Kevin glared at what I did. Hehe you easily got jealous Kevin ah~

"Ya! What do you mean by that?" Kevin glared at me, I laugh internally.

"I mean, it must be hard for you to be away from your apartment.. right Ady?" I pat her head and got another death glare from Kevin. 😂

"Ne. . " she pouts and ask for another bit of cake ,Kevin's jaw dropped slightly when I kept on feeding Ady. Huehue~ this is going to be fun 😂

"Yah Pabo. Aren't you going to give me the cucumber? " Kevin said without looking at us. 😂

"Oh mian Oppa.." Ady quickly went to the fridge to get it, "Jagganman.., I can't eat cucumber... " Ady went beside Kevin, I just watch them while eating happily in my seat.

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