Where am I?

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Percy and the others were all sitting in the dining pavilion. Percy at the Athena table with Annabeth, Leo at the Hephaestus table, Jason and Piper at the Jupiter table, Hazel and Nico at the Hades table, and Frank at the Areas table. The whole pavilion was alive with talking and laughter. they had won the giant war and a celebration was called for. Everyone was happy and laughing as the Apollo cabin lead them in Sind-a-longs. Chiron was just getting up to give a speech or list the activities when a bolt of lighting struck just outside the pavilion. All songs and noise died instantly, everyone got up and rushed outside to see what happened. The gods don't usually send a blessing during dinner so everyone was curios. They didn't have to go far before they found the spot. It was actually pretty easy to find since it was a smoking charred hole in the ground.

"What the Hades?" Annabeth said peering into the hole. Dead center a girl was sprawled out unconscious but unscathed.

"Who is she?" Jason asked when he came running up next to Percy.

"I have no idea" Percy said. The girl had pale skin and shoulder length brown hair with an orange streak behind her left ear.

"Shouldn't someone get her to the med tent?" Someone asked from the edge of the group.

"Good idea" someone else said and two Apollo guys came and picked her up. They carried her away an the crowd started to thin out until only Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank and Nico were standing at the edge of the hole.

"Meeting at the big house" one of the Stoll brothers said running up to them. The group followed him back to find they were the last ones besides Chiron to arrive.

"Hey lighting, who's the girl?" Clarisse asked from her spot on the opposite side of the ping pong table.

"I don't know her and I really don't know who she is" Jason said sitting down. Chiron walked in before any more words could be exchanged.

"Do you know who she is Chiron?" someone asked from the table. Chiron shook his head.

"I do not recognize her but she was sent for a reason. Rachel, have you had any visions or prophesies about a girl coming from a bolt of lighting?" Chiron asked. Rachel was a mortal with bright red hair and lived in a cave but one of the most important people at camp. She held the oracle of Delphi's spirit and was the one in charge of receiving and transmitting prophesies from the three fates. She shook her head.

"I haven't received anything about a girl or anything else for a while now that I think about it" She replied with a thoughtful look on her face. The oracle before her had been a 300 year old hippie mummy that lived in the attic. Talk about nightmares.

"Well, she was sent for a reason" Annabeth spoke up. Everyone turned to her. "I mean, the gods wouldn't just send her here without there own reasons. They might want us to figure out why instead of telling us."

"No, its more than that" Rachel said shaking her head "It's almost as if the gods didn't know about her until now"

Chiron was about to speak but was cut off by one of the Apollo campers bursting through the door. He looked out of breath and had to wait a sec before talking.

"She's starting to stir, just thought you might want to know" He said before running back out the door, this time with all the camp counselors camp following. It didn't take long for them to arrive.

"She's right there" The guy said pointing to a cot in the corner. They walked over to the cot and stood watching.

"What do you think she'll be like?" Leo asked looking at Percy.

"I don't know, I'm more interested in who her parent is" Percy replied not taking his eyes off her.

"Lets just hope its Poseidon" Annabeth said causing Percy to look at her.

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