11.7K 126 29

I suck

I suck

boi do I suck

I don't want to say I forgot about this story, nor make up any shit excuse to why I haven't updated this in well over a month or two. 

School started, and I nearly fell half of my classes last year and I'm really trying to focus on my schoolwork, which leaves no time for working on any of my writings. It completely sucks honestly.

I am astounded that although I haven't updated in so long, that I'm still getting love from you all for this story and I'm still in like the rankings for General Fiction? Like somewhere in the 200's and that is super crazy. 

I can't promise much, but I'll try to work some more on this story. 

Thank you guys, Ya'll are amazing.


Are any of ya'll on Episode or ever heard of it before? It's an app in the Apple stores and on Android I believe. I downloaded it this past week and wow super cool! I'm thinking about doing some writing on there. If I do publish some stuff on there would ya'll want to read it? 

Okay, get back to your day/evening/night

Have a good day or good night, if it is night I hope you have a good day tomorrow. 

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