Persistence is Key

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Lavender's PoV

I rolled over sleepy, wrapping my arms around his arm snuggling closer.

"You awake cupcake?" Jay whispered quietly and I nodded groggily. He chuckled softly kissing my head. "How did you sleep?"

"Mmm," I hummed, opening my eyes slowly to adjust to the bright sunlight.

"I'll take that as good?" He smiled pulling the blanket over me more. I grabbed the covers pulling them up to my neck. "Hold on let me see?" He shifted to his side, to which made me groan, to pull the blanket down to investigate the number of bruises and bite marks. "I may have gotten a little carried away..." He laughed shyly and I smiled pulling the blanket back up past my neck.

"I'm sure I look better than you." I smile and I poke the hickeys also on his neck down to his chest. For the split second they were exposed, Jay had saw the scars on my wrist again. I quickly hid my arm under the blanket, trying to avoid his eyes. He smiled softly, brushing a small strand of my hair behind my ear.

"You're perfect, you know that darling?" He cooed, pulling me closer to him. I didn't say anything, I didn't know how to respond.

"They're old, almost a year. Normally I can cover them with makeup but it must've rubbed off-" My breathing quickened, my hands started to shake.


"Please don't think differently about me-" Breathing became harder, I felt like I was being choked by my own words.


"I've been fighting and I haven't in so long-" his lips smashed against mine shushing me.

"You're perfect to me. Scars and imperfections and all. I'm proud of you, and I'm here for you. You won't ever have to do that again. I promise you." He whispered then kissed my forehead softly.

"I love you," I said it so quickly I didn't notice I was the one who had said it. It slipped out, and instantly I felt like I had made a mistake by not holding my tongue. He looked at me speechless, Jay looked scared.

He shifted a little ways away from me. I noticed it immediately, a knot formed in my throat. "Do you want me to make you breakfast?" Jay spoke quietly. Unable to do anything else, I just nodded. "What do you want to eat?"

"I don't care," I whispered, my voice cracking. I got up from the bed, grabbing my clothes with me. "I'm gonna take a shower."

I didn't wait for him to give a response, I just left not even really knowing where his bathroom was. I found it a little ways around the hall. I shut the door, locking it behind me. I just slid down the door, covering my face with my palms.

Why did I say that?

Stupid girl.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

I turned the water on and lathered my hair, then just stood there letting the hot water bounce off my skin.

I hadn't even fully recognized what happened last night. Jay and I, we did it. It all happened so quickly, did we even use protection? I don't think so, but I don't think he... came inside me. Did he? I don't remember...

"Lavender, you okay?" Jay yelled over the water. "You've been in there for half an hour,"

"Yeah, one minute!" I yelled back turning the water off grabbing the towel that was draped over the top of the curtain rod. I wiped my skin off, pausing when I got to my stomach. God I hope he did. I wiped the rest off and wrapped it around me then ran to his room.

I put on his sweatshirt and a pair of his sweatpants. I stopped by the washing machine and dropped my clothes and the towel into it on my way to the kitchen.

He looked up at at smiled at me. "You're wearing my clothes."

"Mine are washing-"

"It's okay." He smiled and kisses my cheek. "I made cinnamon rolls."

"Sounds good."

"Here sit down I'll feed you." He smiled, he was glowing. Did he mean to say that? Maybe I heard him wrong?

"Feed me?"

"Yes, it'll be much too messy for my princess. And you just took a shower, you don't wanna get messy again." I just stared at him. What the hell?

"Okay...?" I watched Jay as he brought me two rolls... On a disney princess plate.

"Open your mouth princess." He smiled as he cut a little piece off and put it also on a disney themed kids fork.

"I can feed myself Jay."

"No no, that's my job darling."

"Jay," I reenforced repeating myself. "I can feed myself.

A sad expression crossed his face. "One step at a time I suppose." He handed me the fork. "Small bites though okay?"

"Okay." I answered eating it. What did he mean one step at a time?

"I got you something yesterday, a present." He smiled, his hopes seeming higher. He sat in front of me, pulling out a gift bag. "Look in it." He urged.

I opened the bag and pulled out a paper, a list. That's it, just the single piece of paper.

"What's this?" It looked to be just a scribbling on a notebook paper that was ripped rigidly. "It's a list of... Dog food? Chew toys? What is this?" I asked out of utter confusion.

"Well it's been over a month that we've been dating, and I felt you deserved a prize. Better than a festival teddy bear or new stuffies," he paused and smiled. "I'm gonna take you one more place before I take you home. So eat up and get ready to go."


Awkward for poor Jay
So relatable, when things don't go your way.

Don't worry Jay, come the end of the next chapter she'll be doing more than letting you feed her. ~ Wink-a-da-wink 😉

What do you think the gift is? 😱 I gave hints!

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Be My PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora