Cherry Lips

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A drunk Ezra is quite a sight. He wasn't touchy feely like most drunks, nor did he get very loud. He told a lot of stories, some about his childhood memories or his ridiculous illegal actions. I however laughed at everything, and just listened. He had so many stories, each was funnier and more interesting than the last. After the fire died out against my efforts Jay insisted on driving since in his defence apparently I was much more drunk than he was and he could hold his alcohol better than I could. Sure enough he drove us home safely, and right away told me to go to bed.

"Lavender darling, we both have school tomorrow and although I don't care about my education since I've been a failed delinquent since my early childhood, you are a goody goody and if you get anything lower than a 'C' on your report card you will cry. Since that is equally unpleasant for me to see, I insist you go to bed. Right now." I giggled, stumbling over my feet.

"You turn into Dr. Seuss when you're drunk," I laughed loudly slurring my speech. He shook his head and picked me up carrying me up the stairs to my bed. Soon as I fell into the covers I fell asleep.

Sometime during the night, Jay woke me up to tell me he was leaving to get a change of clothes, maybe it was just how the hungover played tricks on my eyes or how the moonlight shined on his face but his eyes looked red and puffy like he had been crying. When I asked him if he was okay he only smiled and nodded. I was much too tired to fight him on whether it was the truth or not, I ended up falling asleep and waking up to a pain reliever and a glass of water on the nightstand beside my bed.


Today was the first day back at school from my suspension, and I think it's fair to say a lot happened in that week that I was gone. I went from completely invisible to the talk of the school. Every class just felt different, everyone was looking at me weird. Little side glances and whispers, by the fourth class I was getting aggravated and concerned.

Classes were slow, or maybe it was just time in general. I checked my phone multiple times to see if Jay had texted me anything but each time I checked I was more disappointed than the last. I tried to reason, 'Well maybe he's just busy' but I don't know, something didn't feel right.

"Art girl!" I turned around quickly to see Levi running towards me. I laughed as he picked me up hugging me tightly. "I've fucking missed you!" He put me down smiling and I laughed nervously. "How have you been? You haven't texted me in forever !"

"I've been around," I laughed thinking back on the last couple days. "How have you been?" I stood awkwardly in the hallway. Other students gave hushed faces to each other then snickered as they walked past.

Levi watched them as they walked down the hall and scoffed shaking his head. "What was that about?"

"I don't know." I sighed chewing on my lip. "It's been happening all day."

"Oh," He watched as a boy looked over at us and whispered something to a girl standing beside him. The girl made a snarky face then shook her head looking me up and down. "Maybe it's the rumor-"

"What rumor?" I almost yelled. He groaned, mentally slapping himself for letting it slip.

"You and Ezra, is what everyone is talking about. Some kids at the fair saw ya'll kiss or something and everyone is acting childish over it. Knowing good and well they watch worse stuff when their parent's bedroom lights go off." I couldn't help but chuckle. "Don't worry about it Art girl."

I smile and nod. "Do you even know my name?"

"Uhm," He laughed brushing his hand through his hair. "Ya it's uhm, it's really pretty."

"What is it?" I laughed narrowing my eyes.

"Uhm," He was possibly saved by his phone ringing. "I'm gonna take this. Text me later Art girl." I waved holding my books in the other hand as he walked down the hallway his phone to his ear and a grin on his face.

*Levi's PoV*

"Hey baby." A voice cooed through the speaker.

"Hi Zai, where do you want me to meet you?" I bit my lip thinking about the last few times we've met up.

"I'm thinking... locker room or behind the bleachers?" Zai's voice was full of lust, I could tell another meet was long needed.

"Matters how loud you're going to be?" There was a chuckle and I smiled.

"Very loud daddy." I bit my lip smirking.

"I'll see you soon."

"Hurry up," Zai cooed and I hung up the call.

I walked through the heavy wooden double doors to the library. I walked through the rows and rows of books until I made it to the very last one - history. I smiled seeing the brunette shifting through the books. I bit my lip leaning against the shelves.

"You talk to your mother with that mouth?" I smiled bigger when my eyes met Zai's blue eyes.

"Not my mother no... but my daddy on the other hand," I smirked walking over my hands finding Zai's hips pulling him closer to me. Our lips smashed together, my tongue licking over his cherry flavored lips.


No no, it's not a typo - it is his lips

  I've missed Levi, and I thought Levi needed someone to hold at night - or in the school library  (which is their little secret spot) - and that's how it came to be.  

Also just for clarity, Levi is bisexual  | Zai is a boy, his name is Azaiah Wesley Grayson

Shocked? Any objections? If not now forever hold your peace ~



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